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Joysticks, which is a decent one to buy?

Posted: Sun, 30. Nov 03, 02:29
by akeizm
I think its time I retired my old simple 2 button joystick and get a new one. And i'm wondering what would you suggest is a good joystick. But there is one problem, i'm left handed and seeing that the people who make game controllers seem think that everyone is right handed and its kind of hard to find a decent left handed or omni joystick.

So what would you suggest?

Posted: Sun, 30. Nov 03, 05:19
by ISV_Damocles
Here's the only ambidextrous joystick Logitech makes: The Attack 3

Microsoft no longer makes computer game controllers and never made left-handed or ambidextrous joysticks, anyways.

Never bought any game controller other than Microsoft or Logitech. (And right-handed joysticks never bothered me, even though I'm left handed. I prefer to keep my left hand on my keyboard (pinky on S, ring on R, middle on T, pointer on Y, thumb on space; a habit developed from the X-Wing Series), since my left hand can "memorize" arbitrary positions better than my right hand, so my right hand can control something that can give my visual feedback on whether I've done it correctly or not.)

Heh, I guess I went a bit off topic there. :lol:

Posted: Sun, 30. Nov 03, 08:52
by akeizm
execellent (i think thats spelt wrong heh) I might have to get one of those, looks pretty seXeh aswell. Now where to find one.

But yea, any more suggestions people?

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 03, 06:48
by Stealthnuck

Almost anything by Saitek, most of their stuff is ambidexterous and very solid.

I would recommend the Logitech Extreme 3d Pro, but it's only for rights :(

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 03, 06:55
by akeizm
I just got a logitech attack3 today, and by god is it alot better to play x2 with. its been one good investment.

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 03, 14:24
by Jack Mordino
I'd vote for Saitek too, really robust, adjustable, good looking, and (relatively) cheap, too. Haven't tried the Force Feedback model yet :(