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I don't wan't to upset anyone but..

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 09:57
by oatemeal
Did anyone think "7 years ago" yesterday? Did it actually come across anyones minds?

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 10:00
by RegisterMe
Yep. Remember watching it live. I was lucky in that I didn't lose any friends or colleagues. It's sad that everybody else can't say the same.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 10:10
by oatemeal
It was deffinately a sad day and probably the biggest thing that's happened with my life, I remember comming home and my parents had news 24 on for constant updates the towers hadn't collapsed yet but it wasn't long after I started watching. And I am thankful that nobody I knew was there though that is selfish of me to say because alot of other people knew someone there and it's not like they can change it.

Still although it was probably the biggest thing in my lifetime so far I didn't realise until the 10 pm news came on and said "7 years ago today". Dissapointed in myself a bit tbh.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 12:14
by fud
I heard of "a fire" in one of the towers. As soon as I tuned in, the second plane hit. I took a small TV into the office and we all watched the towers fall down.

The whole thing was surreal. Still is, even in my memory.

7 years on, and it still saddens me and angers me to the point of tears.

Even seeing "9/11" on my phone (date) got me going a bit.

My thoughts go out to all those who lost someone that day.

In November 2002, I visited a few friends in NYC and we went to Ground Zero. It was a humbling experience, to say the least. Very quiet and somber. Even a year later, people were still congregating at the site, some crying. The site had been cleaned up long before that, but there were still signs of their collapse on the surrounding buildings (huge scars from the falling debris).

It was so depressing, we had to hit every bar in a 20 block radius.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 12:26
by Al
I was in a pub having lunch with some old friends when I got a call askign where my folks were (they were on holiday in the states with other relatives). I was told there had been reports of a plane crash but no real details. I didn't think that much of it as my folks were somewhere else and it was only when we went back to their house and put the tv that we realised what was happening and we watched for several hours unable to believe what was unfolding.

A truely tragic day and one I will never forget.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 12:29
by Antilogic
Not really no.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 12:35
by Golden_Gonads
I did think whilst at work in the early hours "Oh yeah. September 11th today, heh. Snuck in quietly". (That was not an amused 'heh', but merely how my minds thinks).

I'm actually quite grateful there wasn't a lot of hoo-hah about the date actually. Does the whole world stop to commemorate any of the hundreds of IRA bombings, or the Munich Olympics, or the more recent London Subway or Madrid train bombings? No. We remember these events with regret and carry on. And that is how it should be.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 12:37
by Antilogic
I'm actually quite grateful there wasn't a lot of hoo-hah about the date actually. Does the whole world stop to commemorate any of the hundreds of IRA bombings, or the Munich Olympics, or the more recent London Subway or Madrid train bombings? No. We remember these events with regret and carry on. And that is how it should be.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 13:15
by pjknibbs
I recall I was actually off work that day because I was visiting the hospital...forget why. Get home at about 2pm, start the computer up, visit The Register to get my daily IT news fix, and find an article talking about how the phone system in New York is having serious problems due to the collapse of the World Trade Centre...immediately thinking "What the heck?" I go and turn the TV news on. Watched it for the next three hours.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 13:57
by RegisterMe
I was off work that day as well. In fact I'd been out of work for six months after having left an investment banking job for somethign a little riskier, had recently buried my father, and was in the middle of an eighteen month long slow motion car crash of a breakup.

My co-driver (ie girlfriend) had left my place for work that morning and called me after the first plane hit. She just told me to "turn the bleeping news on". I saw the second plane hit.

iirc I just sat their, mouth agape, in tears.

It certainly put my woes into perspective.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 14:12
by Bishop149
Golden_Gonads wrote: I'm actually quite grateful there wasn't a lot of hoo-hah about the date actually. Does the whole world stop to commemorate any of the hundreds of IRA bombings, or the Munich Olympics, or the more recent London Subway or Madrid train bombings? No. We remember these events with regret and carry on. And that is how it should be.
Exactly, it was a terrible event and one I remember vividly. But it was about 10pm yesterday when I actually gave thedate a thought because the news mentioned a memorial service.

So its exactly as it should be an event that is in the past and to give it too much thought is to give the terrorists their victory. . . . screw them.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 14:29
by dalin80
fud wrote:I heard of "a fire" in one of the towers. As soon as I tuned in, the second plane hit. I took a small TV into the office and we all watched the towers fall down.

The whole thing was surreal. Still is, even in my memory.

7 years on, and it still saddens me and angers me to the point of tears.

I think we were both on back then (if your the same 'fud'), iam aloha62_2 on there btw.

pretty surreal, i wish i had taped all the coverage now as i watched it on the bbc and how the story unravelled was very interesting.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 15:08
by philip_hughes
I have a pristine time magazine somewhere.

Showed the building on the way down. Was at work when it happened. Pretty shocked.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 15:20
by LV
Didn't give it a thought yesterday tbh but on reading this i recall being at work when one of the lads approached me and told me what had happened, I remember saying i'd been up late one weekend and watched a bbc news doc on some islamic nutters in afghanistan stating they were going to give the americans/the west some payback. I thought they may be behind it as the terrorist link had been made by the time i knew.

The guy in the interview was OBL

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 15:35
by xeon_1
Has it been seven years oh well didn't really care then and certainly not now.
The only thought i had when those planes hit and the towers went down was Cool looks just like when they blow a building up.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 15:51
by Bunny
Was flicking through the channels in the late evening in a hotel in Taiwan. There was a city with dust bellowing up. At first I thought it was somewhere in Asia...then it clicked back to show the second tower fall.

Later I realised an old school friend of mine had been scheduled to be in New York in that week for training. He had been there but was okay despite having seen it happen. At which point words failed me :o

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 16:23
by Sir Crashalot
I logged into mIRC chat to talk to my old Unreal Tournament clan mates and they were all talking about it. At the time I didn`t have a TV as I never watched it and didn`t want to pay the BBC for nothing.

So I popped around my sisters and watched it all there.

As for rememberence, I didn`t remember as it didn`t really have any impact on my life. It`s a sad and terrible thing that happened but dwelling on it deosn`t really achieve anything except make one depressed.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 16:26
by RegisterMe
xeon_1 wrote:Has it been seven years oh well didn't really care then and certainly not now.
The only thought i had when those planes hit and the towers went down was Cool looks just like when they blow a building up.
That's an attitude that I find hard to accept. If nothing else, in a thread like this, it's insensitive and disrespectful.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 17:50
by Asmayus
It was certainly terrible (as were the London/Madrid bombings) but for a while there this was daily life for people in Iraq.
There's a lot worse things in the world than a one off terrorist event; imagine living in a country where bombs were exploding daily.

Not trying to be confrontational, just putting a different perspective on things.

I'd rather it never happened at all.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 18:07
by xeon_1
RegisterMe wrote:
xeon_1 wrote:Has it been seven years oh well didn't really care then and certainly not now.
The only thought i had when those planes hit and the towers went down was Cool looks just like when they blow a building up.
That's an attitude that I find hard to accept. If nothing else, in a thread like this, it's insensitive and disrespectful.
How is what happend any difrent then what happens in the middle east every day.
People blow them selfs, there cars up everyday to get back at the Americans how is 3 planes hitting 2 towers for the same reason any different?
They brought it on to them self with there self serving arrogant we rule the world attitude.
I am surprised why it doesn't happen more often they screw over enough people in other countries every day.
They are just the schoolyard bully that got slapped in the face softly.
And in respons attacked everybody in there line of sight.
Some true war other true politics.