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Joystick Gremlin problem. - Third party software issue

Posted: Wed, 6. Mar 24, 08:55
by Stabby Dave
It's all been working fine up till this morning, when suddenly I get this -

The app seems to think that the joystick is being pulled back and rolled right. Deadzones make no difference,

I've tried restarting the game, restarting Joystick Gremlin and rebooting the PC - all to no avail. As I say, it's been fine all week.

Anyone got any ideas?



I'll test it on ED once it finishes doing a 2 hour download to update. :evil:

Re: Joystick Gremlin problem.

Posted: Wed, 6. Mar 24, 09:05
by CBJ
That error has nothing to do with the game. "Joystick Gremlin" is third party software and that's where the error is coming from. You'll have to contact its creators for support.

Re: Joystick Gremlin problem.

Posted: Wed, 6. Mar 24, 09:34
by Stabby Dave
I recognise that it's not a game problem. I just wondered if anyone knew a resolution.

Re: Joystick Gremlin problem. - Third party software issue

Posted: Wed, 6. Mar 24, 09:49
by CBJ
Then it belongs in Off Topic, not Tech Support, which is for game-related issues. I've moved it over for you. :)