[SCRIPT] Advanced Navigation Software V1.20 : 2010/08/10

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Post by Cowski » Mon, 7. Mar 11, 05:30

Okay....got a couple of things figured out.

Found the Advanced Navigation Menu (finally). Got it hotkeyed & it does come up. So I am almost there. It comes up with no problems but does say, "Missing Software: Advanced Navigation Software" which I expect it too.
So I docked at an equipment dock and still cannot find the software it's looking for.

What do I do next? Shouldn't this software be available at any equipment dock?

Thank you.

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Post by Cowski » Tue, 8. Mar 11, 01:53

Okay....just when things start looking good for me.

Good news & bad news....

Good news!!!
WOOT!! I finally see it!! It's under the "Goods" section. FINALLY!!

Bad news!!!
My notoriety is too low to buy it. Foiled again! Still looking into this. Incidently...what level of notoriety do I have to have to buy it? I know it's friggin' expensive as hell (601,000+) too.

Great scott....I hope after all this trouble it'll be worth it!

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Post by joelR » Fri, 1. Apr 11, 02:14

The ware is showing up in equipment docks as something like Z_EMP_WARES something or other. Does this require the EMP mod?

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Post by Cycrow » Fri, 1. Apr 11, 17:48

EMP is installed as part of the plugin manager, so you dont need to install it seperatly.

the problem is that the emp default texts are overriding the scripts ones.

to fix it, once the game is run, u could manually run the init.pmanager.text script

and this should fix it

a more permanant fix will be added to the next version of the plugin manager

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Post by joelR » Fri, 1. Apr 11, 18:28

Aha that explains it. I swear it was working before the new plugin manager release.


EDIT: That fixed it. Thanks again

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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 3. Apr 11, 14:33

i did thought i fixed it in a previous veriosn, but it seemed to crop up again for some reason

the next version of the plugin manager scripts should hopefully fix it permantly now

i basically made it run the load text routines on a timer after game launch so it'll always override the emp text's

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Post by Ferenczy66 » Mon, 14. Nov 11, 19:20

Here's a problem I've been trying to figure out for some time...

Personal ship (I want it to patrol the 3 Gamma Sectors south of Oort Cloud - Using XRM btw) when i'm afk.

Have Adv Nav/Adv Jump/ and their overrides.

Problem....it constanly jumps from point to point in the same sector...never seeming to move on to next sector (unsure as I'm trying to figure out the jumpin gpart 1st)

Is this intended behavior?

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Post by Keomars » Fri, 30. Dec 11, 16:58

Sorry I really mess it up...

I download your SPK file and use X Plugin Manager Lite V 1.3 to install this as usual, but there is a warning pop-up:

Missing Package for Advanced Navigation - Overrides
Advanced Navigation Software V1.20 by Cycrow
Advanced Navigation Software by Cycrow


So I download the wrong file? I dont see any other download link there :?

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Post by Cycrow » Fri, 30. Dec 11, 17:29

sounds like u downloaded the override scripts rather than the actual script

its the first download button you should use

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Post by Keomars » Fri, 30. Dec 11, 18:50

Cycrow wrote:if u have the ware manager installed, then the device should be added to some equipment docks.

you do need the upgrade on the ship to use the commands
Yeah, you right. Problem solved, thx!! :D

I got the thing shown as ZA_EMP_BLANK_WARE_CUSTOM16_9, and I got that's EMP over write problem.

It works anyway, Thx again. :lol:

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Post by Dakota- » Wed, 4. Jan 12, 21:48

Cycrow, thanks a ton for all the scripts, including this one. I actually downloaded this script to account for another script that was incomplete. As it turns out, this script plugs right into the other one just without any modification and is probably better that the other one didn't have the functionality in the first place! You've done great work both with the scripts and the aid to the community.

As far as this script is concerned, I modified the price to be 150x less than what it currently is. This changes the software to be in the same price range as most of the other "basic" software additions.

I'll start by saying that this isn't in any way a denigration of this script/mod itself. Quite to the contrary. I think it is awesome, at least in concept. I haven't used it much yet.

I'll give a little explanation for those who also might be thinking about reducing the price. I think this script adds functionality that is so basic to the operation of ships that it shouldn't be prohibitively expensive.

As an example, if I was the owner of a small shipping company and the corresponding vehicles, I would easily, automatically, and cheaply build into my business the capability to tell the drivers where not to go e.g. "don't go via this road, it's too bumpy for the shipment of this kind of widget."

There are other examples but I'll leave it at that.

I can understand pricing something regarding jumpdriving very high because it is not required to get around, but pricing something high just for early-game M5 sector satellite deployment just so you don't have to constantly micromanage it out of dangerous sectors is unreasonable.

Frankly, this is the type of stuff I think the devs should have created for vanilla. It's the type of stuff I wanted back in the X2 days but never had time to script, and for me, ruined the game when I had to start micromanaging stuff that was supposed to be automatic. Took the fun right out of it for me. I could understand if this script's "added" functionality was termed a "bug fix" by some.

For those that want to make a modification to the price and don't know how to do this yet yet, here is how you do it. You must have X3 editor 2 or a equivalent editor. Make sure you have the latest version.

1) Open the X3 editor 2 application and go to open. Navigate to the "x3 terran conflict\addon\types" directory and open the file called "TwareT.pck." Select "T File editor."
2) If it's not selected already, select the "ID" radio button (as opposed to the name radio button).
3) Scroll down to find "SS_WARE_SW_CUSTOM14_9."
4) Click on it.
5) Verify that it says "Advanced Navigation Software" on the right side of the screen next to the "Name" heading.
6) Find the "Relative value" heading underneath the "Name" heading on the right side of the screen and locate the associated value. It should be roughly 16000, give or take a few thousand. (I can't remember the exact number)
7) Write down the original number. (obviously something I didn't do)

This next step was initially very confusing to me. I'm not exactly sure why there isn't an "Absolute value" field, but nonetheless let's continue.

8) Change it to whatever you want. If you want it roughly 150x less in value (roughly 4k credits) then change the "Relative value" to 142 (vs the number that it is - about 16000). Yes, 142.
9) Click on the save button.
10) Enter the game, see the figure, and go back and change it if you don't like the number. (there may be a static ratio at work here, but I don't know what it is so you'll have to enter the game to find out what the exact number turned out to be)

Good luck.

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Post by Malakie » Sat, 21. Jan 12, 03:52

Just a quick note.. this script is not listed in the sticky mods/scripts list.. had to search the hard way to find it for a Albion list thread I am updating..
Take it light.....



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Post by dblade » Wed, 25. Jan 12, 20:19

I agree that this should go in the mod list

As far as the mod, I am mostly interested in the AI using docking computer functionality. The only other mod I know that does this is Gazz's docking fix but I'm not sure if that mod should be updated since Egosoft addressed some docking issues in their latest TC 3.2 update.

Same concern goes for this mod I guess.

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Post by deca.death » Thu, 9. Feb 12, 16:06


Am I missing something or this fine piece of software has no definable hotkey by which it can be accessed? Right now I have to hit shift+c then go to navigation, then scroll all the way down to last spot which cannot be chosen via number (only first 9 entries can) to activate it. As you can see, it follows egosoft fine ergonomic standards :) Not good for thing that has to be accessed almost constantly.

Also shouldn't navigation entries bee arranged in order in how often are they used? Something like this perhaps:

1 dock at station/carrier (it uses JD, yes?)
2 fly to me
3 fly to position
4 dock at homebase
5 ...other

Also, software in cargobay? That looks messy, wasn't there any other way of doing it? If it wasn't, then it would be maybe best to use /replace default navigation com. software and call it a day. Give all ships ability to use it, we need less wares and less micromanagement worries in this game. Price is totally irrelevant.

If you can hit a key /then enter to open "jump and dock" map; this thing would be -must have- Right now its nice to have but can be real badass with just tweak or two.

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Post by pgfujg » Sun, 1. Apr 12, 23:50

The advanced nav software appears as a normal ware for me. Is this normal? Shouldn't it be a ship upgrade like other software?

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Post by Requiemfang » Mon, 2. Apr 12, 01:11

Nope it's working as intended.

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Post by wwdragon » Fri, 25. May 12, 03:43

Hello. I like this this script and it's accompanying advanced jump drive one. Thanks for doin it.

I have only one complaint.... Follow Me keeps using the docking computer to dock at my ship, instead of following me, when default navigation script override is installed.
Please fix this. It is annoying when I just want my ship to follow automatically.... and it docks. :-s
Editing posts since long before I remember.

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Post by Nicoman35 » Thu, 18. Oct 12, 11:17

I would like to extract the content of the spk file. The spk explorer is not able to decompress the files properly? I keep getting errors when I try to open the decompressed. Actually, It's the same problem as I had with the Gasirator's MK3 enhancement.
But here I can not use the x3 Editor to decompress the files properly. Any advice? DrBullwicnkle? :roll:

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Post by DrBullwinkle » Thu, 18. Oct 12, 13:55

Nicoman35 wrote:Any advice? DrBullwinkle? :roll:
LMAO, Nicoman! :)

Do you think that I read every thread in the S&M forum?

(Well, OK, maybe I do read a lot of them. :) )

Anyway, right-click on the .spk and choose "Export to Zip". (There are no .pck's so the X3 Editor will not help you this time.)

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Post by Nicoman35 » Fri, 19. Oct 12, 16:22

:) I am quite often here atm, and I see who is else :D.

Again, thank you very much. This was the solution.

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