Probleme mit dem Kampfverhalten eigener Schiffe [OOS]

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Probleme mit dem Kampfverhalten eigener Schiffe [OOS]

Post by djsonyc01 » Thu, 23. Oct 08, 10:30

Moin ihr lieben da drausen :)

Meine Sektorverteidigung (Geschützturm-(Waffenplatform M,L-XL) wird immer vernichtet wenn ich nicht im sektoe bin. :shock:
Bin ich selber im sektor funst alles kein schiff kommt durch egal ob M5-M6. :D

Sobald ich nicht im sektor bin schafft die verteidiegung noch nicht mal ein M5 und ich mus zu sehen wie eine verteidigung nach der anderen zerstört wirt. ich kann nichts machen! :evil:

Befehle der verteidigungsplatform:
Angrif- Verteidige position.
Geschutz kanzeln- Vernichte feind.

Woran kann das ligen?
Wehr hatt noch ein solches problem?


Threadtitel editiert, bogatzky
Last edited by djsonyc01 on Thu, 23. Oct 08, 18:29, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Thu, 23. Oct 08, 11:07

Hey ho,

bitte mal folgenden Thread (*klick*) lesen und die geforderten Angaben nachreichen.
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

Neuauflage der fünf X-Romane als Taschenbuch

The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!

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Re: Sektor Verteidigung funst nicht (Bug)?

Post by Burneyx » Fri, 24. Oct 08, 15:03

djsonyc01 wrote:Moin ihr lieben da drausen :)

Meine Sektorverteidigung (Geschützturm-(Waffenplatform M,L-XL) wird immer vernichtet wenn ich nicht im sektoe bin. :shock:
Bin ich selber im sektor funst alles kein schiff kommt durch egal ob M5-M6. :D

Sobald ich nicht im sektor bin schafft die verteidiegung noch nicht mal ein M5 und ich mus zu sehen wie eine verteidigung nach der anderen zerstört wirt. ich kann nichts machen! :evil:

Befehle der verteidigungsplatform:
Angrif- Verteidige position.
Geschutz kanzeln- Vernichte feind.

Woran kann das ligen?
Wehr hatt noch ein solches problem?

ich spiele Version 1.2 X3 TC, den O`ren Rock Start und habe das Problem auch. Keine Mods oder Scripte am laufen, der SE ist aber aktiviert.
3 große Verteidigungsplattformen vor dem Tor und wenn ich OOS bin kommt da sogar ein Boronbiotransport ohne einen Kratzer vorbei :roll:
Wenn ich im Sector bin, machts einfach nur bummm und er ist weg.
Auch meine Schiffe machen keinen Schaden an den Gegnern, wenn ich OOS bin.
Ich habe herausgefunden, das Raketen allerdings funktionieren, auch OOS. Das ist immo also mein Notbehelf um meinen nicht ganz legal erworbenen Besitz zu schützen. Aber ist ja auch nur ein Beta-Test Spielstand sozusagen, auch um zu sehen, was sich so im Scripteditor verändert hat.
Ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, das einen die X3TC.exe für die Aktivierung des Editors in dieser Weise bestraft. Also muß es sich wohl um einen Bug handeln, das OOS nur die Gegner treffen oder Schaden machen. Ich habe insgesamt 1Tag und 3 std. Spielzeit immo und sehr viele Schiffe verloren. Das God-Modul greift öfter mit sehr starken Verbänden an, unter anderem auch M2 dabei. Seit ich aber auf Raketen umgestellt habe läßt es sich aushalten und die Verluste halten sich in Grenzen.
Ansonsten konnte ich keine großen Bugs feststellen, außer das bei manchen Mini-Trägern nur 7 von 8 Schiffen landen! Das letzte bleibt einfach nur nebendran stehen, wie wenn schon voll wäre.

System Information
Time of this report: 10/30/2008, 19:33:43
Machine name: BERNHARD-PC
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.080917-1612)
Language: German (Regional Setting: German)
System Manufacturer: Packard Bell BV
System Model: iPower X9975
BIOS: PBVG300.P0M BIOS Date: 08/06/08 08:38 Ver: 08.00.15
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.5GHz
Memory: 3326MB RAM
Page File: 1111MB used, 12365MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 10
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 6.00.6001.18000 64bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes
Display Tab 1: No problems found.
Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
Sound Tab 2: No problems found.
Sound Tab 3: No problems found.
Input Tab: No problems found.

DirectX Debug Levels
Direct3D: 0/4 (retail)
DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)
DirectInput: 0/5 (retail)
DirectMusic: 0/5 (retail)
DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)
DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)

Display Devices
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce 9800 GT
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0614&SUBSYS_9210174B&REV_A2
Display Memory: 1905 MB
Dedicated Memory: 497 MB
Shared Memory: 1407 MB
Current Mode: 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor: PnP-Monitor (Standard)
Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2umx.dll, nvwgf2um
Driver Version: 7.15.0011.7813 (English)
DDI Version: 10
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Driver Date/Size: 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 8458240 bytes
WHQL Logo'd: Yes
WHQL Date Stamp:
Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-4554-11CF-7E6A-1BB202C2CA35}
Vendor ID: 0x10DE
Device ID: 0x0614
SubSys ID: 0x9210174B
Revision ID: 0x00A2
Revision ID: 0x00A2
Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_C ModeWMV9_C ModeVC1_B ModeWMV9_B ModeVC1_A ModeWMV9_A
Deinterlace Caps: {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{B338D50D-A64A-4790-AC01-475B64252A78}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
DDraw Status: Enabled
D3D Status: Enabled
AGP Status: Enabled

Sound Devices
Description: Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Default Sound Playback: Yes
Default Voice Playback: Yes
Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0888&SUBSYS_1631E909&REV_1001
Manufacturer ID: 1
Product ID: 100
Type: WDM
Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.5624 (English)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
WHQL Logo'd: Yes
Date and Size: 5/14/2008 16:04:16, 1450264 bytes
Other Files:
Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
HW Accel Level: Basic
Cap Flags: 0xF1F
Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
HW Memory: 0
Voice Management: No
EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No

Description: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Default Sound Playback: No
Default Voice Playback: No
Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0888&SUBSYS_1631E909&REV_1001
Manufacturer ID: 1
Product ID: 100
Type: WDM
Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.5624 (English)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
WHQL Logo'd: Yes
Date and Size: 5/14/2008 16:04:16, 1450264 bytes
Other Files:
Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
HW Accel Level: Basic
Cap Flags: 0xF1F
Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
HW Memory: 0
Voice Management: No
EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No

Description: Realtek HDMI Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Default Sound Playback: No
Default Voice Playback: No
Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0888&SUBSYS_1631E909&REV_1001
Manufacturer ID: 1
Product ID: 100
Type: WDM
Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.5624 (English)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
WHQL Logo'd: Yes
Date and Size: 5/14/2008 16:04:16, 1450264 bytes
Other Files:
Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
HW Accel Level: Basic
Cap Flags: 0xF1F
Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
HW Memory: 0
Voice Management: No
EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No

Sound Capture Devices
DirectInput Devices
Device Name: Maus
Attached: 1
Controller ID: n/a
Vendor/Product ID: n/a
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: Tastatur
Attached: 1
Controller ID: n/a
Vendor/Product ID: n/a
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: Lexmark X6100 Series
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x043D, 0x0072
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro (USB)
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x0008
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Gaming Mouse
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC049
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Gaming Mouse
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC049
FF Driver: n/a

Poll w/ Interrupt: No

USB Devices
+ USB-Root-Hub
| Vendor/Product ID: 0x10DE, 0x026D
| Matching Device ID: usb\root_hub
| Service: usbhub
| Driver: usbhub.sys, 1/21/2008 03:47:01, 270336 bytes
| Driver: usbd.sys, 1/21/2008 03:47:25, 7680 bytes
+-+ Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro (USB)
| | Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x0008
| | Location: Port_#0003.Hub_#0001
| | Matching Device ID: usb\vid_045e&pid_0008
| | Service: HidUsb
| | OEMData: 03 00 08 10 09 00 00 00
| | Driver: hidusb.sys, 7/10/2008 09:21:18, 15872 bytes
| | Driver: hidclass.sys, 7/10/2008 09:21:18, 49664 bytes
| | Driver: hidparse.sys, 7/10/2008 09:21:18, 31744 bytes
| |
| +-+ HID-konformer Gamecontroller
| | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x0008
| | | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_game
| | | OEMData: 03 00 08 10 09 00 00 00

Gameport Devices

PS/2 Devices
+ Standardtastatur (PS/2)
| Matching Device ID: *pnp0303
| Service: i8042prt
| Driver: i8042prt.sys, 1/21/2008 03:46:59, 64000 bytes
| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 1/21/2008 03:47:27, 42040 bytes
+ Terminalserver-Tastaturtreiber
| Matching Device ID: root\rdp_kbd
| Upper Filters: kbdclass
| Service: TermDD
| Driver: i8042prt.sys, 1/21/2008 03:46:59, 64000 bytes
| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 1/21/2008 03:47:27, 42040 bytes
+ HID-konforme Maus
| Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC049
| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_mouse
| Service: mouhid
| Driver: mouhid.sys, 1/21/2008 03:46:59, 19968 bytes
| Driver: mouclass.sys, 1/21/2008 03:46:59, 39992 bytes
+ Terminalserver-Maustreiber
| Matching Device ID: root\rdp_mou
| Upper Filters: mouclass
| Service: TermDD
| Driver: termdd.sys, 1/21/2008 03:46:50, 63544 bytes
| Driver: sermouse.sys, 1/21/2008 03:46:59, 26624 bytes
| Driver: mouclass.sys, 1/21/2008 03:46:59, 39992 bytes

Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
Drive: C:
Free Space: 450.9 GB
Total Space: 598.2 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD64 00AAKS-22A7B SCSI Disk Device

Drive: D:
Model: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7200S SCSI CdRom Device
Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:54, 79872 bytes

System Devices
Name: VIA OHCI-konformer IEEE 1394-Hostcontroller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3044&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_C0\4&160B7269&0&4880
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\ohci1394.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:54, 72192 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\1394bus.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:46:54, 65280 bytes

Name: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0614&SUBSYS_9210174B&REV_A2\6&15053CF&0&00000018
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\nvlddmkm.sys, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 9477408 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvd3dumx.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 8458240 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvapi64.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 713216 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcuda.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 1997312 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvwgf2umx.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 4054016 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvd3dum.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 5963776 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvapi.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 483328 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvwgf2um.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 2502656 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvcuda.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 1486848 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv64.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 13025280 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvoglv32.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 9011200 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvsvs.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 1607680 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvsvsr.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 695296 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcpl.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 15933984 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvsvc64.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 724000 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvsvcr.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 815616 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvmctray.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 82464 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvdisps.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 4325920 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvdispsr.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 5797408 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvgames.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 5048864 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvgamesr.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 3454496 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvmccss.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 289824 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvmccssr.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 455200 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvmobls.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 1619488 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvmoblsr.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 2852896 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvvitvs.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 4281376 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvvitvsr.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 4144672 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvmccs.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 265248 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvmccsrs.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 35328 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvwss.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 3232800 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvwssr.dll, 7.15.0011.7813 (German), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 2980384 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcolor.exe, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 174592 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvudisp.exe, 1.03.0016.0001 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 501280 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe, 7.15.0011.7813 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 357376 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvwsapps.xml, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 36235 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvapps.xml, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 201050 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvdisp.nvu, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 8907 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\dpinst.exe, 2.01.0000.0000 (German), 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 930272 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdsp.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 186185 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3d.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 116384 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmob.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 54988 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvwks.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 261806 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplara.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 125735 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspara.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 203473 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dara.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 128544 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobara.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 57328 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplcsy.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124067 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspcsy.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 206378 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dcsy.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 128958 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobcsy.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 57387 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcpldan.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 120933 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspdan.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 190931 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3ddan.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 118926 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobdan.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55622 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcpldeu.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124590 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspdeu.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 199168 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3ddeu.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 123526 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobdeu.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 56087 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplell.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 126670 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspell.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 219118 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dell.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 131422 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobell.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 59100 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcpleng.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 121758 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspeng.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 184658 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3deng.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 117083 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobeng.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55103 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplesn.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 124738 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspesn.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 193149 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3desn.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 117909 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobesn.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55669 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplesm.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124138 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspesm.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 196621 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3desm.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 118608 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobesm.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55992 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplfin.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124544 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspfin.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 201421 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dfin.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124278 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobfin.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 56934 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplfra.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 122227 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspfra.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 191154 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dfra.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 119315 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobfra.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 56087 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplheb.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 126196 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspheb.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 211948 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dheb.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 132088 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobheb.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 58340 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplhun.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 125552 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdsphun.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 208678 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dhun.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 131070 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobhun.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 57512 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplita.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124148 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspita.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 198528 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dita.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 121053 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobita.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 56175 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcpljpn.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 129704 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspjpn.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 249639 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3djpn.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 144421 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobjpn.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 60357 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplkor.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124741 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspkor.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 225743 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dkor.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 132251 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobkor.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 59061 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplnld.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 122193 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspnld.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 197650 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dnld.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 118401 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobnld.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55475 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplnor.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 120026 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspnor.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 192535 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dnor.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 119706 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobnor.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55525 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplplk.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124019 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspplk.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 213058 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dplk.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 130245 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobplk.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 57376 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplptg.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124044 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspptg.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 197530 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dptg.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 129550 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobptg.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55845 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplptb.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124078 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspptb.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 195174 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dptb.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 118410 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobptb.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55946 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplrus.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 125181 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdsprus.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 215972 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3drus.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 126976 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobrus.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 57339 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplsky.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 126105 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspsky.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 223246 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dsky.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 129499 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobsky.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 57545 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplslv.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124964 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspslv.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 210653 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dslv.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 128913 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobslv.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 57380 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplsve.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 122675 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspsve.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 205198 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dsve.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 118734 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobsve.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 55693 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcpltha.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 128148 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdsptha.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 221912 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dtha.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 137045 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobtha.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 59225 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcpltrk.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 126892 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdsptrk.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 212300 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dtrk.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 133761 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobtrk.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 57450 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplchs.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124229 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspchs.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 222783 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dchs.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 134133 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobchs.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 58607 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvcplcht.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 124817 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvdspcht.chm, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 230922 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nv3dcht.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 139792 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\help\nvcpl\nvmobcht.chm, 5/3/2008 10:16:00, 59261 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\nvtmpinst\nvcpl.cpl, , 0 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\nvtmpinst\nvcplui.exe, , 0 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\nvtmpinst\nvcpluir.dll, , 0 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\nvtmpinst\nvcpl.chm, , 0 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvapps.xml, 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 201050 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcod.dll, 1.03.0004.0028 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 135680 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcod134.dll, 1.03.0004.0028 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 135680 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcodh.dll, 1.03.0004.0028 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 135680 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcodhins.dll, 1.03.0004.0028 (English), 9/17/2008 22:55:00, 135680 bytes

Name: PCI Standard-PCI-zu-PCI-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_05B1&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A2\4&39914CAA&0&0018
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 179768 bytes

Name: PCI Standard-PCI-zu-PCI-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_05B1&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_A2\5&2A6F7648&0&180018
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 179768 bytes

Name: PCI Standard-PCI-zu-PCI-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_05B1&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_A2\5&2A6F7648&0&100018
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 179768 bytes

Name: PCI Standard-PCI-zu-PCI-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_05B1&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_A2\5&2A6F7648&0&000018
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 179768 bytes

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03BC&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&11
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-PCI-zu-PCI-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03BB&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&38
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 179768 bytes

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03BA&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&12
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-PCI-zu-PCI-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B9&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&30
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 179768 bytes

Name: PCI Standard-PCI-zu-PCI-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B7&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&18
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 179768 bytes

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B6&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&10
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B5&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&06
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B4&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&07
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B3&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&0E
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B2&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&0D
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B1&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&0C
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03B0&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&0B
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03AF&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&0A
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03AE&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&09
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03AD&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&08
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03AC&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&01
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03AB&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&04
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03AA&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&02
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03A9&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&03
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03A8&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A2\3&267A616A&0&05
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03A3&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A2\3&267A616A&0&00
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0272&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A3\3&267A616A&0&52
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-RAM-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0270&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A2\3&267A616A&0&48
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-PCI-zu-PCI-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_026F&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A2\3&267A616A&0&80
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 179768 bytes

Name: Standard PCI-zu-USB erweiterter Hostcontroller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_026E&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A3\3&267A616A&0&59
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:47:25, 49152 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:47:25, 259584 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:47:01, 270336 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\hccoin.dll, 6.00.6000.16386 (English), 11/2/2006 12:17:29, 10752 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\hcrstco.dll, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:47:25, 17920 bytes

Name: Standard OpenHCD USB-Hostcontroller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_026D&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A3\3&267A616A&0&58
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbohci.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:47:25, 24064 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:47:25, 259584 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:47:01, 270336 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\hcrstco.dll, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:47:25, 17920 bytes

Name: High Definition Audio-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_026C&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A2\3&267A616A&0&81
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 6.00.6001.17036 (English), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 50688 bytes

Name: NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0269&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A3\3&267A616A&0&A0
Driver: n/a

Name: NVIDIA nForce Serial ATA Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0267&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&78
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\nvstor64.sys, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:14, 169504 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvraidco.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:14, 402464 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvraiins.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:14, 402464 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoAr.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Arabic), 6/7/2008 02:15:16, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoCs.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Czech), 6/7/2008 02:15:16, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoDa.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Danish), 6/7/2008 02:15:18, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoDe.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (German), 6/7/2008 02:15:18, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoEl.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Greek), 6/7/2008 02:15:20, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoEng.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:20, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoENU.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:22, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoEs.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Spanish), 6/7/2008 02:15:22, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoEsm.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Spanish), 6/7/2008 02:15:22, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoFi.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Finnish), 6/7/2008 02:15:24, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoFr.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (French), 6/7/2008 02:15:24, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoHe.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Hebrew), 6/7/2008 02:15:26, 16416 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoHu.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Hungarian), 6/7/2008 02:15:26, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoIt.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Italian), 6/7/2008 02:15:28, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoJa.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Japanese), 6/7/2008 02:15:28, 15904 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoKo.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Korean), 6/7/2008 02:15:28, 15392 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoNl.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Dutch), 6/7/2008 02:15:30, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoNo.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Norwegian (Bokmål)), 6/7/2008 02:15:30, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoPl.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Polish), 6/7/2008 02:15:32, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoPt.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Portuguese), 6/7/2008 02:15:32, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoPtb.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Portuguese), 6/7/2008 02:15:34, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoRu.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Russian), 6/7/2008 02:15:34, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoSk.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Slovak), 6/7/2008 02:15:36, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoSl.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Slovenian), 6/7/2008 02:15:36, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoSv.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Swedish), 6/7/2008 02:15:36, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoTh.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Thai), 6/7/2008 02:15:38, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoTr.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Turkish), 6/7/2008 02:15:38, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoZhc.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Chinese (Simplified)), 6/7/2008 02:15:40, 14880 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoZht.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Chinese (Traditional)), 6/7/2008 02:15:40, 14880 bytes

Name: NVIDIA nForce Serial ATA Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0266&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&70
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\nvstor64.sys, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:14, 169504 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvraidco.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:14, 402464 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvraiins.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:14, 402464 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoAr.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Arabic), 6/7/2008 02:15:16, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoCs.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Czech), 6/7/2008 02:15:16, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoDa.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Danish), 6/7/2008 02:15:18, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoDe.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (German), 6/7/2008 02:15:18, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoEl.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Greek), 6/7/2008 02:15:20, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoEng.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:20, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoENU.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (English), 6/7/2008 02:15:22, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoEs.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Spanish), 6/7/2008 02:15:22, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoEsm.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Spanish), 6/7/2008 02:15:22, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoFi.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Finnish), 6/7/2008 02:15:24, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoFr.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (French), 6/7/2008 02:15:24, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoHe.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Hebrew), 6/7/2008 02:15:26, 16416 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoHu.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Hungarian), 6/7/2008 02:15:26, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoIt.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Italian), 6/7/2008 02:15:28, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoJa.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Japanese), 6/7/2008 02:15:28, 15904 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoKo.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Korean), 6/7/2008 02:15:28, 15392 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoNl.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Dutch), 6/7/2008 02:15:30, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoNo.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Norwegian (Bokmål)), 6/7/2008 02:15:30, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoPl.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Polish), 6/7/2008 02:15:32, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoPt.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Portuguese), 6/7/2008 02:15:32, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoPtb.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Portuguese), 6/7/2008 02:15:34, 17952 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoRu.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Russian), 6/7/2008 02:15:34, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoSk.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Slovak), 6/7/2008 02:15:36, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoSl.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Slovenian), 6/7/2008 02:15:36, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoSv.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Swedish), 6/7/2008 02:15:36, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoTh.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Thai), 6/7/2008 02:15:38, 16928 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoTr.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Turkish), 6/7/2008 02:15:38, 17440 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoZhc.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Chinese (Simplified)), 6/7/2008 02:15:40, 14880 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvRCoZht.dll, 10.03.0000.0033 (Chinese (Traditional)), 6/7/2008 02:15:40, 14880 bytes

Name: Standard-Zweikanal-PCI-IDE-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0265&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A1\3&267A616A&0&68
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 6.00.6000.16386 (English), 1/21/2008 03:46:50, 13416 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:50, 51256 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:46:50, 22584 bytes
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\ataport.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (German), 1/21/2008 03:46:50, 124472 bytes

Name: NVIDIA nForce System Management
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0264&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A3\3&267A616A&0&51
Driver: n/a

Name: PCI Standard-ISA-Brücke
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0260&SUBSYS_E9091631&REV_A3\3&267A616A&0&50
Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\msisadrv.sys, 6.00.6001.18000 (English), 1/21/2008 03:46:51, 17976 bytes

DirectShow Filters

DirectShow Filters:
WMAudio Decoder DMO,0x00800800,1,1,,
WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMSpeech Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
MP3 Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
Mpeg4s Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
WMV Screen decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMVideo Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
Mpeg43 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
Mpeg4 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
Full Screen Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
Multiple File Output,0x00200000,2,2,WMM2FILT.dll,
WMT Black Frame Generator,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
WMT Import Filter,0x00200000,0,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
DV Muxer,0x00400000,0,0,,6.06.6001.18000
Color Space Converter,0x00400001,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
WMT Interlacer,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
WM ASF Reader,0x00400000,0,0,,11.00.6001.7000
Screen Capture filter,0x00200000,0,1,wmpsrcwp.dll,11.00.6001.7000
AVI Splitter,0x00600000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
VGA 16 Color Ditherer,0x00400000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Decoder,0x005fffff,2,4,msmpeg2vdec.dll,11.00.6001.7000
AC3 Parser Filter,0x00600000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18000
WMT Format Conversion,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
WMT Virtual Source,0x00200000,0,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Microsoft TV Caption Decoder,0x00200001,1,0,MSTVCapn.dll,6.00.6001.18000
MJPEG Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
CBVA DMO wrapper filter,0x00200000,1,1,cbva.dll,6.00.6001.18000
MPEG-I Stream Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,,6.06.6001.18063
SAMI (CC) Parser,0x00400000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
VBI Codec,0x00600000,1,4,,6.06.6001.18000
MPEG-2 Splitter,0x005fffff,1,0,,6.06.6001.18000
WMT AudioAnalyzer,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder,0x00200000,2,0,msmpeg2enc.dll,11.00.6001.7000
Stretch Video,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Internal Script Command Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
MPEG Audio Decoder,0x03680001,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
DV Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,,6.06.6001.18000
Video Mixing Renderer 9,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder,0x00200000,2,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,11.00.6001.7000
Frame Eater,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Allocator Fix,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
ACM Wrapper,0x00600000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
Video Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer,0x00200000,0,0,sbe.dll,6.06.6001.18000
Capture ASF Writer,0x00200000,0,0,WMM2FILT.dll,
Line 21 Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,,
Video Port Manager,0x00600000,2,1,,6.06.6001.18063
Video Renderer,0x00400000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
Bitmap Generate,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Proxy Sink,0x00200000,1,0,WMM2FILT.dll,
Proxy Source,0x00200000,0,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
WM ASF Writer,0x00400000,0,0,,11.00.6001.7000
VBI Surface Allocator,0x00600000,1,1,,6.00.6000.16386
WMT Sample Information Filter,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
File writer,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18000
DVD Navigator,0x00200000,0,3,,6.06.6001.18000
WMT DV Extract,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Overlay Mixer2,0x00200000,1,1,,
Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder,0x00200000,2,0,msmpeg2enc.dll,11.00.6001.7000
WST Pager,0x00800000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18000
MPEG-2 Demultiplexer,0x00600000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18000
Record Queue,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
DV Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18000
Null Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,qedit.dll,6.06.6001.18000
WMT Log Filter,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x005fffff,1,0,,6.06.6001.18000
Microsoft AC3 Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msac3enc.dll,11.00.6001.7000
WMT Virtual Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,WMM2FILT.dll,
Smart Tee,0x00200000,1,2,,6.06.6001.18000
Overlay Mixer,0x00200000,0,0,,
AVI Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
WMT MuxDeMux Filter,0x00200000,0,0,WMM2FILT.dll,
AVI/WAV File Source,0x00400000,0,2,,6.06.6001.18063
WMT Volume,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Wave Parser,0x00400000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
MIDI Parser,0x00400000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
Multi-file Parser,0x00400000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
File stream renderer,0x00400000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
WMT VIH2 Fix,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Microsoft MPEG-1/DD Audio Decoder,0x005fffff,1,1,msmpeg2adec.dll,11.00.6001.7000
AVI Mux,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18000
Line 21 Decoder 2,0x00600002,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
File Source (Async.),0x00400000,0,1,,6.06.6001.18063
File Source (URL),0x00400000,0,1,,6.06.6001.18063
Media Center Extender Encryption Filter,0x00200000,2,2,Mcx2Filter.dll,6.01.6001.18000
AudioRecorder WAV Dest,0x00200000,0,0,,6.00.6000.16386
AudioRecorder Wave Form,0x00200000,0,0,,6.00.6000.16386
SoundRecorder Null Renderer,0x00200000,0,0,,6.00.6000.16386
Infinite Pin Tee Filter,0x00200000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18000
WMT Switch Filter,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
Enhanced Video Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,evr.dll,6.00.6001.18000
Uncompressed Domain Shot Detection Filter,0x00200000,1,1,WMM2FILT.dll,
BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00200000,2,0,,6.06.6001.18061
MPEG Video Decoder,0x40000001,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063

WDM Streaming-Tee/Splitter-Geräte:

Video Compressors:
WMVideo8 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMVideo9 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
MSScreen 9 encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
DV Video Encoder,0x00200000,0,0,,6.06.6001.18000
MJPEG Compressor,0x00200000,0,0,,6.06.6001.18063

Audio Compressors:
WM Speech Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMAudio Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
IMA ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
Microsoft ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
GSM 6.10,0x00200000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
CCITT A-Law,0x00200000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
CCITT u-Law,0x00200000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063
MPEG Layer-3,0x00200000,1,1,,6.06.6001.18063

Midi Renderers:
Default MidiOut Device,0x00800000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063

WDM Streaming-Capturegeräte:

WDM Streaming-Wiedergabegeräte:
Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,1,1,,6.00.6001.18000
Realtek HDA HDMI Out,0x00200000,1,1,,6.00.6001.18000
Realtek HDA SPDIF Out,0x00200000,1,1,,6.00.6001.18000

BDA Network Providers:
Microsoft ATSC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.6001.18061
Microsoft DVBC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.6001.18061
Microsoft DVBS Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.6001.18061
Microsoft DVBT Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.6001.18061
Microsoft Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.6001.18000

Multi-Instance Capable VBI Codecs:
VBI Codec,0x00600000,1,4,,6.06.6001.18000

BDA Transport Information Renderers:
BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00600000,2,0,,6.06.6001.18061
MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x00600000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18000

BDA CP/CA Filters:
XDS Codec,0x00200000,0,0,EncDec.dll,6.06.6001.18061

WDM Streaming-Kommunikations-Transforms:

Audio Renderers:
Lautsprecher (Realtek High Defi,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
Default DirectSound Device,0x00800000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
Default WaveOut Device,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
DirectSound: Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
DirectSound: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
DirectSound: Realtek HDMI Output (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
Realtek Digital Output (Realtek,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063
Realtek HDMI Output (Realtek Hi,0x00200000,1,0,,6.06.6001.18063

Edit: DxDiag eingefügt
Last edited by Burneyx on Thu, 30. Oct 08, 19:40, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 325
Joined: Mon, 10. May 04, 01:07

OOS Patrouillie funktioniert nicht richtig mit M7

Post by Mordegar » Sun, 26. Oct 08, 19:12

Version 1.2

Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Sektor Patrouillie mit den M7 irgendwie nicht richtig funktioniert. Ich hab jetzt den Kalmar und den Deimos ausprobiert, beide greifen keine Feinde im Sektor an, (Global feindlich) solange sie patrouillieren.
Ausserdem lässt sich der Kalmar von wirklich ALLEM plattmachen, weil er OOS nicht zurückschiesst. Er fliegt zwar die Ziele an, scheint aber nicht anzugreifen und wird so 100 prozentig zerstört.
Beim Deimos passiert sowas leider auch ab und zu.

An Mods hab ich nur den HvT von Lucike und den No-Zivilians installiert.

Ich habe mit allen verfügbaren Waffen in Türmen und Front getestet, es ändert sich aber leider nichts.

Kann jemand mal bitte mit den beiden Schiffen bei sich testen?

Nachtrag: Der Deimos funktioniert richtig mit dem *Töte alle Feinde* Kommando, der Kalmar greift damit nicht an.
Der Kalmar reagiert auf ein *Attackiere...*, danach greift er aber nach dem zerstören des Ziels nichts mehr an. Er lässt sich dann auch nicht im noch laufenden Kampf neue *Attackiere...* Befehle geben.


System Information
Time of this report: 10/26/2008, 22:34:35
Machine name: KAGR
Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.080814-1236)
Language: German (Regional Setting: German)
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name
BIOS: BIOS Date: 01/22/07 17:14:23 Ver: 08.00.12
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 2048MB RAM
Page File: 288MB used, 3651MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes
DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
Display Tab 1: No problems found.
Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
Music Tab: No problems found.
Input Tab: No problems found.
Network Tab: No problems found.

DirectX Debug Levels
Direct3D: 0/4 (n/a)
DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)
DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)
DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)

Display Devices
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce 8800 GTS
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0193&SUBSYS_042110DE&REV_A2
Display Memory: 640.0 MB
Current Mode: 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor: Philips 109E5
Monitor Max Res: 1920,1440
Driver Name: nv4_disp.dll
Driver Version: 6.14.0011.7824 (English)
DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Driver Date/Size: 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 6058112 bytes
WHQL Logo'd: n/a
WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
VDD: Nicht zutreffend
Mini VDD: nv4_mini.sys
Mini VDD Date: 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 6133856 bytes
Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-42D3-11CF-FE6D-2A2403C2CB35}
Vendor ID: 0x10DE
Device ID: 0x0193
SubSys ID: 0x042110DE
Revision ID: 0x00A2
Revision ID: 0x00A2
Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_B ModeMPEG2_C ModeMPEG2_D ModeWMV9_B ModeWMV9_A
Deinterlace Caps: {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
Registry: OK
DDraw Status: Enabled
D3D Status: Enabled
AGP Status: Enabled
DDraw Test Result: Not run
D3D7 Test Result: Not run
D3D8 Test Result: Not run
D3D9 Test Result: Not run

Sound Devices
Description: SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880]
Default Sound Playback: Yes
Default Voice Playback: Yes
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1102&DEV_0004&SUBSYS_20021102&REV_04
Manufacturer ID: 1
Product ID: 100
Type: WDM
Driver Name: ctaud2k.sys
Driver Version: 5.12.0001.1196 (English)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
WHQL Logo'd: n/a
Date and Size: 8/11/2006 13:45:38, 499584 bytes
Other Files:
Driver Provider: Creative
HW Accel Level: Full
Cap Flags: 0x0
Min/Max Sample Rate: 0, 0
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 0, 0
Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
HW Memory: 0
Voice Management: Yes
EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: Yes, Yes
I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
Registry: OK
Sound Test Result: Not run

Sound Capture Devices
Description: SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880]
Default Sound Capture: Yes
Default Voice Capture: Yes
Driver Name: ctaud2k.sys
Driver Version: 5.12.0001.1196 (English)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Date and Size: 8/11/2006 13:45:38, 499584 bytes
Cap Flags: 0x0
Format Flags: 0x0

DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002
Acceleration: Enabled
Ports: SB Audigy 2 ZS DirectMusic Synthesizer [B880], Hardware (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal, Default Port
SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880], Software (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal
Microsoft MIDI-Mapper [Emuliert], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
SB Audigy 2 ZS Synth B [B880] [Emuliert], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
SB Audigy 2 ZS Sw Synth [B880] [Emuliert], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
SB Audigy 2 ZS Synth A [B880] [Emuliert], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
SB Audigy 2 ZS MIDI-E/A [B880] [Emuliert], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, External
Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth [Emuliert], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
SB Audigy 2 ZS MIDI-E/A [B880] [Emuliert], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Input, No DLS, External
Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal
Registry: OK
Test Result: Not run

DirectInput Devices
Device Name: Maus
Attached: 1
Controller ID: n/a
Vendor/Product ID: n/a
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: Tastatur
Attached: 1
Controller ID: n/a
Vendor/Product ID: n/a
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: Saitek Cyborg USB Stick
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x0464
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Combo Keyboard
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x0D62, 0x001C
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Combo Keyboard
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x0D62, 0x001C
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Combo Keyboard
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x0D62, 0x001C
FF Driver: n/a

Poll w/ Interrupt: No
Registry: OK

USB Devices
+ USB-Root-Hub
| Vendor/Product ID: 0x8086, 0x2830
| Matching Device ID: usb\root_hub
| Service: usbhub
| Driver: usbhub.sys, 4/13/2008 19:45:38, 59520 bytes
| Driver: usbd.sys, 2/28/2006 13:00:00, 4736 bytes
+-+ USB-HID (Human Interface Device)
| | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC01E
| | Location: USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse
| | Matching Device ID: usb\class_03&subclass_01
| | Service: HidUsb
| | Driver: hidusb.sys, 4/13/2008 19:45:27, 10368 bytes
| | Driver: hidclass.sys, 4/13/2008 19:45:26, 36864 bytes
| | Driver: hidparse.sys, 4/13/2008 19:45:22, 24960 bytes
| | Driver: hid.dll, 4/14/2008 03:22:11, 20992 bytes
| |
| +-+ HID-konforme Maus
| | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC01E
| | | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_mouse
| | | Service: mouhid
| | | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/14/2008 02:49:36, 23552 bytes
| | | Driver: mouhid.sys, 2/28/2006 13:00:00, 12288 bytes

Gameport Devices
+ Intel(R) 82801 PCI-Brücke - 244E
| Location: PCI-Bus 0, Gerät 30, Funktion 0
| Matching Device ID: pci\ven_8086&dev_244e
| Service: pci
| Driver: pci.sys, 4/14/2008 03:02:14, 68224 bytes
+-+ Creative Game Port
| | Location: PCI-Bus 5, Gerät 2, Funktion 1
| | Matching Device ID: pci\ven_1102&dev_7003&subsys_00401102
| | Service: gameenum
| | Driver: gameenum.sys, 4/13/2008 19:45:29, 10624 bytes

PS/2 Devices
+ HID-Tastatur
| Vendor/Product ID: 0x0D62, 0x001C
| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard
| Service: kbdhid
| Driver: kbdhid.sys, 4/14/2008 02:58:37, 14720 bytes
| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/14/2008 02:58:36, 25216 bytes
+ Terminalserver-Tastaturtreiber
| Matching Device ID: root\rdp_kbd
| Upper Filters: kbdclass
| Service: TermDD
| Driver: termdd.sys, 4/14/2008 03:23:26, 40840 bytes
| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/14/2008 02:58:36, 25216 bytes
+ Terminalserver-Maustreiber
| Matching Device ID: root\rdp_mou
| Upper Filters: mouclass
| Service: TermDD
| Driver: termdd.sys, 4/14/2008 03:23:26, 40840 bytes
| Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/14/2008 02:49:36, 23552 bytes

DirectPlay Service Providers
DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
DirectPlay8 IPX Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
IPX Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
Modem Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
Serial Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)

DirectPlay Voice Wizard Tests: Full Duplex: Not run, Half Duplex: Not run, Mic: Not run
DirectPlay Test Result: Not run
Registry: OK

DirectPlay Adapters
DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM1
DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: LAN-Verbindung 2 - IPv4 -

DirectPlay Voice Codecs
Voxware VR12 1,4 KBit/s
Voxware SC06 6,4 KBit/s
Voxware SC03 3,2 KBit/s
MS-PCM 64 KBit/s
MS-ADPCM 32,8 KBit/s
Microsoft GSM 6.10 13 KBit/s
TrueSpeech(TM) 8,6 KBit/s

DirectPlay Lobbyable Apps

Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
Drive: C:
Free Space: 24.3 GB
Total Space: 238.5 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: SAMSUNG SP2504C

Drive: D:
Model: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7173S
Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/13/2008 19:40:46, 62976 bytes

System Devices
Name: Intel(R) P965/G965 PCI Express Root Port - 29A1
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29A1&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&08
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:02:14, 68224 bytes

Name: Intel(R) P965/G965 Processor to I/O Controller - 29A0
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29A0&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&00
Driver: n/a

Name: Microsoft UAA-Bustreiber für High Definition Audio
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_284B&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&D8
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 5.10.0001.5013 (English), 4/13/2008 17:36:05, 144384 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family PCI Express Root Port 6 - 2849
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2849&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E5
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:02:14, 68224 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family PCI Express Root Port 5 - 2847
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2847&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E4
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:02:14, 68224 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 283F
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_283F&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E0
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:02:14, 68224 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family SMBus Controller - 283E
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_283E&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&FB
Driver: n/a

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 283A
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_283A&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&D7
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 30208 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 143872 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:22:32, 77312 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:38, 59520 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 03:22:11, 7168 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 2836
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2836&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&EF
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 30208 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 143872 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:22:32, 77312 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:38, 59520 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 03:22:11, 7168 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2835
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2835&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&D1
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 143872 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:22:32, 77312 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:38, 59520 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2834
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2834&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&D0
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 143872 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:22:32, 77312 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:38, 59520 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2832
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2832&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&EA
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 143872 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:22:32, 77312 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:38, 59520 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2831
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2831&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E9
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 143872 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:22:32, 77312 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:38, 59520 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2830
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2830&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E8
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:36, 143872 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:22:32, 77312 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:38, 59520 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2825
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2825&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&FD
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (German), 8/18/2001 03:30:42, 3328 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/13/2008 19:40:30, 24960 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:40:30, 96512 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2820
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2820&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02\3&11583659&0&FA
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (German), 8/18/2001 03:30:42, 3328 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/13/2008 19:40:30, 24960 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:40:30, 96512 bytes

Name: Intel(R) ICH8/ICH8R Family LPC Interface Controller - 2810
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2810&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&F8
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\isapnp.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 02:58:04, 37632 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801 PCI-Brücke - 244E
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_244E&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_F2\3&11583659&0&F0
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:02:14, 68224 bytes

Name: Standard-Zweikanal-PCI-IDE-Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2363&SUBSYS_81E41043&REV_03\4&18CD42CE&0&00E4
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (German), 4/13/2008 19:40:30, 24960 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:40:30, 96512 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (German), 8/18/2001 03:30:42, 3328 bytes

Name: Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_11AB&DEV_4364&SUBSYS_81F81043&REV_12\4&24CAFEBD&0&00E5
Driver: n/a

Name: Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_11AB&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_811A1043&REV_14\4&1FAF5EA3&0&20F0
Driver: n/a

Name: Creative Game Port
Device ID: PCI\VEN_1102&DEV_7003&SUBSYS_00401102&REV_04\4&1FAF5EA3&0&11F0
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\gameenum.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:29, 10624 bytes

Name: OHCI-konformer IEEE 1394-Hostcontroller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_1102&DEV_4001&SUBSYS_00101102&REV_04\4&1FAF5EA3&0&12F0
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ohci1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:46:18, 61696 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\1394bus.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:46:18, 53376 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nic1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:51:25, 61824 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\arp1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:51:25, 60800 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\enum1394.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:46:40, 6400 bytes

Name: Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS (WDM)
Device ID: PCI\VEN_1102&DEV_0004&SUBSYS_20021102&REV_04\4&1FAF5EA3&0&10F0
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ksuser.dll, 5.03.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:22:13, 4096 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\, 5.03.2600.5512 (German), 4/14/2008 03:23:07, 129536 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ks.sys, 5.03.2600.5512 (German), 4/13/2008 20:16:36, 141056 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\drmk.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:45:14, 60160 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\portcls.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:19:41, 146048 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\stream.sys, 5.03.2600.5512 (German), 4/13/2008 19:45:15, 49408 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 03:23:08, 23552 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ctac32k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:14, 502272 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ctaud2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:38, 499584 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ctoss2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:24, 116224 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ctprxy2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:40, 7168 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ctsfm2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:18, 143872 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\emupia2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:18, 78336 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha10kx2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:26, 766976 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\haP16v2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:26, 154112 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\haP17v2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:28, 180224 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:32, 1110016 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\pfmodnt.sys, 3.00.0000.0012 (English), 8/11/2006 13:56:36, 8192 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctdlang.dat, 8/11/2006 13:49:24, 323640 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctdnlstr.dat, 8/11/2006 13:49:24, 44567 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctstatic.dat, 8/11/2006 13:43:04, 313207 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctdaught.dat, 8/11/2006 13:43:04, 53932 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\a3d.dll, 80.00.0000.0003 (English), 8/11/2006 13:56:28, 33792 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\commonfx.dll, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:48:08, 87552 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctaudfx.dll, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:48:12, 536576 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctsblfx.dll, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:48:32, 548352 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cteapsfx.dll, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:48:28, 160768 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\CTEXFIFX.dll, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:48:42, 1170432 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\CTHWIUT.DLL, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:48:52, 61952 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\CT20XUT.DLL, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:48:50, 158720 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctemupia.dll, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:48:52, 108032 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\piaproxy.dll, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:16, 73728 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctdproxy.dll, 5.12.0001.1196 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:34, 71680 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\sfman32.dll, 5.12.0001.0130 (English), 8/11/2006 13:45:20, 21504 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctbas2w.dat, 8/11/2006 13:45:08, 140643 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctsbas2w.dat, 8/11/2006 13:43:26, 265042 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\SBAudigy.ico, 8/17/2001 11:42:28, 7406 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Audigy.bmp, 11/13/2001 08:48:20, 1912 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctcoinst.dll, 3.00.0002.0036 (English), 8/11/2006 13:57:04, 81920 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctdvinst.dll, 0.04.0000.0036 (English), 8/11/2006 13:57:06, 146432 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ctdvda2k.sys, 5.13.0001.0467 (English), 11/10/2005 16:06:04, 340704 bytes

Name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0193&SUBSYS_042110DE&REV_A2\4&2B9C2F50&0&0008
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nv4_mini.sys, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 6133856 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nv4_disp.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 6058112 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 163908 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 475136 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcuda.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 1368064 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvoglnt.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 8826880 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcpl.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 13574144 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvmctray.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 86016 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvwddi.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 81920 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvnt4cpl.dll, 6.14.0010.11194 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 286720 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvmccs.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 229376 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvdisps.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 3989504 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvdispsr.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (German), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 5799936 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvgames.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 3444736 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvgamesr.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (German), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 3457024 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvmccss.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 188416 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvmccssr.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (German), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 458752 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvmobls.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 1257472 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvmoblsr.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (German), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 2854912 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvvitvs.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 3764224 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvvitvsr.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (German), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 4149248 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvwss.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 2686976 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvwssr.dll, 6.14.0011.7824 (German), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 2981888 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\help\nvcpl.hlp, 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 177897 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\help\nvwcplen.hlp, 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 55444 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcod.dll, 1.03.0004.0028 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 122880 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcodins.dll, 1.03.0004.0028 (English), 10/7/2008 12:33:00, 122880 bytes

Name: Texas Instruments OHCI-konformer IEEE 1394-Hostcontroller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8023&SUBSYS_815B1043&REV_00\4&1FAF5EA3&0&18F0
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ohci1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:46:18, 61696 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\1394bus.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:46:18, 53376 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nic1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:51:25, 61824 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\arp1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:51:25, 60800 bytes
Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\enum1394.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:46:40, 6400 bytes

DirectX Components
ddraw.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:08 279552 bytes
ddrawex.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:08 27136 bytes
dxapi.sys: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 10496 bytes
d3d8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:08 1179648 bytes
d3d8thk.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:08 8192 bytes
d3d9.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:08 1689088 bytes
d3dim.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 436224 bytes
d3dim700.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:08 824320 bytes
d3dramp.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 590336 bytes
d3drm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 350208 bytes
d3dxof.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 47616 bytes
d3dpmesh.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 34816 bytes
dplay.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 German Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 33040 bytes
dplayx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 229888 bytes
dpmodemx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 24064 bytes
dpwsock.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 42768 bytes
dpwsockx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 57856 bytes
dplaysvr.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:43 29696 bytes
dpnsvr.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:43 17920 bytes
dpnet.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 375296 bytes
dpnlobby.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:20:27 3072 bytes
dpnaddr.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:20:27 3072 bytes
dpvoice.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 214016 bytes
dpvsetup.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:43 83456 bytes
dpvvox.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 116736 bytes
dpvacm.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 21504 bytes
dpnhpast.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 35328 bytes
dpnhupnp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 60928 bytes
dpserial.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 German Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 54032 bytes
dinput.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 163328 bytes
dinput8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 186368 bytes
dimap.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 44032 bytes
diactfrm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 German Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 395264 bytes
joy.cpl: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:23:07 69632 bytes
gcdef.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 German Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 78336 bytes
pid.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:23 35328 bytes
gameenum.sys: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:45:29 10624 bytes
dsound.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 367616 bytes
dsound3d.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 1293824 bytes
dswave.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 19456 bytes
dsdmo.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 181248 bytes
dsdmoprp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 74240 bytes
dmusic.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 104448 bytes
dmband.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 28672 bytes
dmcompos.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 61440 bytes
dmime.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 181248 bytes
dmloader.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 35840 bytes
dmstyle.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 105984 bytes
dmsynth.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 103424 bytes
dmscript.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 82432 bytes
system.dll: 1.01.4322.2407 English Final Retail 7/11/2007 14:53:00 1232896 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:21 473600 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 5.04.0000.3900 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:17 2676224 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.04.0091.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:18 2846720 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:18 563712 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.06.0168.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:18 567296 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.07.0239.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:19 576000 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.08.0299.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:19 577024 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.09.0376.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:19 577536 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.10.0455.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:19 577536 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.11.0519.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:20 578560 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.12.0589.0000 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:21 578560 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:21 145920 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:21 159232 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:22 364544 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:22 178176 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:20 53248 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:21 12800 bytes
Microsoft.DirectX.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/2/2008 16:16:20 223232 bytes
dx7vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 619008 bytes
dx8vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 1227264 bytes
dxdiagn.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 2113536 bytes
mfc40.dll: 4.01.0000.6140 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 13:00:00 924432 bytes
mfc42.dll: 6.02.4131.0000 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:14 1028096 bytes
wsock32.dll: 5.01.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:32 24576 bytes
amstream.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:07 70656 bytes
devenum.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:08 59904 bytes
dxmasf.dll: 6.04.0009.1133 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:09 500278 bytes
mciqtz32.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:14 35328 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:23:07 148992 bytes
msdmo.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:16 14336 bytes
encapi.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:10 20480 bytes
qasf.dll: 11.00.5721.5145 English Final Retail 10/18/2006 20:47:18 211456 bytes
qcap.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:23 192512 bytes
qdv.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:23 279040 bytes
qdvd.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:23 387072 bytes
qedit.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:23 563200 bytes
qedwipes.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 18:21:32 733696 bytes
quartz.dll: 6.05.2600.5596 German Final Retail 5/7/2008 06:10:35 1293824 bytes
strmdll.dll: 4.01.0000.3936 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:30 246814 bytes 2.00.0005.0053 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:23:07 199680 bytes 4.51.0016.0003 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:23:07 848384 bytes
ir41_qc.dll: 4.30.0062.0002 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:12 120320 bytes
ir41_qcx.dll: 4.30.0064.0001 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:12 338432 bytes
ir50_32.dll: 5.2562.0015.0055 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:12 755200 bytes
ir50_qc.dll: 5.00.0063.0048 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:12 200192 bytes
ir50_qcx.dll: 5.00.0064.0048 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:12 183808 bytes 5.10.0002.0051 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:23:07 154624 bytes
mswebdvd.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:18 205312 bytes
ks.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:16:36 141056 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:23:07 129536 bytes
ksuser.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:13 4096 bytes
stream.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:45:15 49408 bytes
mspclock.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:39:50 5376 bytes
mspqm.sys: 5.01.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:39:51 4992 bytes
mskssrv.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:39:52 7552 bytes
swenum.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:39:53 4352 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:23:07 118272 bytes
msvidctl.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:18 1433088 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:23:07 30208 bytes
msyuv.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:18 16896 bytes
wstdecod.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 German Final Retail 4/14/2008 03:22:32 51200 bytes

DirectShow Filters

DirectShow Filters:
WMAudio Decoder DMO,0x00800800,1,1,,
WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMA Voice Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMVideo Advanced Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
Mpeg4s Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
WMV Screen decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
WMVideo Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
Mpeg43 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
Mpeg4 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
WMT MuxDeMux Filter,0x00200000,0,0,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
Creative LiveRecording Filter,0x00400000,0,1,,2.00.0001.0000
Full Screen Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Creative Wave Writer,0x00200000,1,0,,2.00.0001.0000
DV Muxer,0x00400000,0,0,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Creative MLP Source Filter,0x00400000,0,1,,1.01.0001.0000
Color Space Converter,0x00400001,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
WM ASF Reader,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
Creative NVF Filter,0x00400000,0,1,,1.00.0006.0000
Screen Capture filter,0x00200000,0,1,wmpsrcwp.dll,11.00.5721.5145
AVI Splitter,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
BPM Metadata,0x001fffff,1,1,,1.00.0003.0000
WMT AudioAnalyzer,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
VGA 16 Color Ditherer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Indeo® video 5.10 Compression Filter,0x00200000,1,1,Ir50_32.dll,5.2562.0015.0055
Windows Media Audio Decoder,0x00800001,1,1,,8.00.0000.4487
AC3 Parser Filter,0x00600000,1,1,,6.05.2600.5512
CT Null Render Filter,0x00200000,1,0,,1.00.0001.0000
WMT Format Conversion,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
CT Time-Scaling filter,0x00100000,1,1,,2.00.0000.0001
WMT Black Frame Generator,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
MJPEG Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Indeo® video 5.10 Decompression Filter,0x00640000,1,1,Ir50_32.dll,5.2562.0015.0055
WMT Screen Capture filter,0x00200000,0,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
SVM Metadata,0x001fffff,1,1,,1.00.0006.0000
Microsoft Screen Video Decompressor,0x00800000,1,1,,8.00.0000.4487
MPEG-I Stream Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
SAMI (CC) Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
MPEG Layer-3 Decoder,0x00810000,1,1,,1.05.0000.0050
MPEG-2 Splitter,0x005fffff,1,0,,6.05.2600.5512 Sipro Lab Audio Decoder,0x00800001,1,1,,1.04.0000.0000
Internal Script Command Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
MPEG Audio Decoder,0x03680001,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
File Source (Netshow URL),0x00400000,0,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
WMT Import Filter,0x00200000,0,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
DV Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Bitmap Generate,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
Windows Media Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,,8.00.0000.4487
Video Mixing Renderer 9,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,
Windows Media Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,,8.00.0000.4000
WMT VIH2 Fix,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
PCM to EXT,0x00200000,0,0,,5.00.0000.0000
Record Queue,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
CT Karaoke filter,0x00100000,1,1,,2.00.0000.0001
Creative MP3 Source Filter,0x00400000,0,1,,2.00.0003.0000
Windows Media Multiplexer,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ASX file Parser,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ASX v.2 file Parser,0x00600000,1,0,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
NSC file Parser,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ACM Wrapper,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Windows Media source filter,0x00600000,0,2,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
Video Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Frame Eater,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer,0x00200000,0,0,sbe.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Line 21 Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,qdvd.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Video Port Manager,0x00600000,2,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
WST Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,wstdecod.dll,5.03.2600.5512
Video Renderer,0x00400000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Creative AC3 Source Filter,0x00400000,0,1,,1.01.0000.0000
CT SmartVolumeManagement filter,0x00100000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0001
WM ASF Writer,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
WMT Sample Information Filter,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
VBI Surface Allocator,0x00600000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
Creative MP3 Writer,0x00200000,1,0,,1.02.0001.0000
Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor,0x00800000,1,1,,8.00.0000.4487
File writer,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
WMT Log Filter,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
WMT Virtual Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
DVD Navigator,0x00200000,0,2,qdvd.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Overlay Mixer2,0x00400000,1,1,qdvd.dll,6.05.2600.5512
AVI Draw,0x00600064,9,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
.RAM file Parser,0x00600000,1,0,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
WMT DirectX Transform Wrapper,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
G.711 Codec,0x00200000,1,1,,5.01.2600.0000
MPEG-2 Demultiplexer,0x00600000,1,1,,6.05.2600.5512
DV Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Indeo® audio software,0x00500000,1,1,,2.00.0005.0053
Windows Media Update Filter,0x00400000,1,0,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
Noise Reduction,0x00100000,1,1,,3.00.0000.0002
ASF DIB Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ASF ACM Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ASF ICM Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ASF URL Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ASF JPEG Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ASF DJPEG Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
ASF embedded stuff Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
WIA Stream Snapshot Filter,0x00200000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0000
Allocator Fix,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
Null Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,qedit.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Creative WMA Writer,0x00200000,1,0,,2.01.0001.0000
WMT Virtual Source,0x00200000,0,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x005fffff,1,0,,
IVF source filter,0x00600000,0,1,,5.10.0002.0051
WMT Interlacer,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
Smart Tee,0x00200000,1,2,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Creative WMA Source Filter,0x00400000,0,1,,2.00.0004.0000
Overlay Mixer,0x00200000,0,0,qdvd.dll,6.05.2600.5512
AVI Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Uncompressed Domain Shot Detection Filter,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
AVI/WAV File Source,0x00400000,0,2,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
QuickTime Movie Parser,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Wave Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
MIDI Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Multi-file Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
File stream renderer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
XML Playlist,0x00400000,1,0,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
AVI Mux,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Line 21 Decoder 2,0x00600002,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
File Source (Async.),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
File Source (URL),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
WMT DV Extract,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
Creative CDDA Source Filter,0x00400000,0,1,,2.01.0001.0000
WMT Switch Filter,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
WMT Volume,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
Stretch Video,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
Infinite Pin Tee Filter,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
QT Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
MPEG Video Decoder,0x40000001,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Indeo® video 4.4 Decompression Filter,0x00640000,1,1,,4.51.0016.0003
Indeo® video 4.4 Compression Filter,0x00200000,1,1,,4.51.0016.0003

WDM Streaming-Daten-Transforms:
Microsoft Kernel-Echounterdrückung,0x00000000,0,0,,
Microsoft Kernel GS Wavetablesynthesizer,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
Microsoft Kernel-DLS-Synthesizer,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
Microsoft Kernel-DRM-Audioentschlüsselung,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

Video Compressors:
WMVideo Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMVideo8 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
MSScreen encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMVideo8 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMVideo9 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
MSScreen 9 encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
DV Video Encoder,0x00200000,0,0,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Indeo® video 5.10 Compression Filter,0x00100000,1,1,Ir50_32.dll,5.2562.0015.0055
MJPEG Compressor,0x00200000,0,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Cinepak Codec by Radius,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Intel Indeo® Video 4.5,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Indeo® video 5.10,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Intel IYUV Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Microsoft H.261 Video Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Microsoft H.263 Video Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Microsoft RLE,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
Microsoft Video 1,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Audio Compressors:
WMA Voice Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WM Speech Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
WMAudio Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
Lernout & Hauspie CELP 4.8kbit/s,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Lernout & Hauspie SBC 8kbit/s,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Lernout & Hauspie SBC 12kbit/s,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Lernout & Hauspie SBC 16kbit/s,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
IMA ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Microsoft ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM),0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Windows Media Audio V1,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Windows Media Audio V2,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
GSM 6.10,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Microsoft G.723.1,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
CCITT A-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
CCITT u-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
MPEG Layer-3,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596

Audio Capture Sources:
SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880],0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Midi Renderers:
Default MidiOut Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
SB Audigy 2 ZS MIDI-E/A [B880],0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
SB Audigy 2 ZS Sw Synth [B880],0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
SB Audigy 2 ZS Synth A [B880],0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
SB Audigy 2 ZS Synth B [B880],0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596

WDM Streaming-Capturegeräte:
SB Audigy 2 ZS MIDI-E/A [B880],0x00200000,2,2,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880],0x00200000,3,2,,5.03.2600.5512

WDM Streaming-Wiedergabegeräte:
SB Audigy 2 ZS DirectMusic Synthesizer [B880],0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Sw Synth [B880],0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Synth A [B880],0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Synth B [B880],0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS MIDI-E/A [B880],0x00200000,2,2,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880],0x00200000,3,2,,5.03.2600.5512

BDA Transport Information Renderers:
MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x00600000,1,0,,

WDM Streaming-Mixer:
Microsoft Kernel-Waveaudiomixer,0x00000000,0,0,,

BDA CP/CA Filters:
XDS Codec,0x00200000,0,0,encdec.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Audio Renderers:
SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880],0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Default DirectSound Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
Default WaveOut Device,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596
DirectSound: SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880],0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5596

WDM Streaming-Systemgeräte:
SB Audigy 2 ZS DirectMusic Synthesizer [B880],0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Sw Synth [B880],0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Synth A [B880],0x00200000,11,2,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Synth B [B880],0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS MIDI-E/A [B880],0x00200000,2,2,,5.03.2600.5512
SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B880],0x00200000,13,2,,5.03.2600.5512

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Post by theojk » Sun, 26. Oct 08, 21:15

Ich habe das gleiche Problem. Sowohl in TC 1.2 Deutsch als auch in X3R 2.5 XTM 0.7.4 Deutsch.

Zuerst habe ich jeweils 4 OWPs in einen Feindsektor plaziert (mittels Script) und dann die Geschützkanzeln auf Vernichte Feinde gestellt. Aber die haben sich nicht gewehrt. Auch ein der Befehl "Töte alle Feinde" brachte nix. Nun habe ich 8 Terraner Odins in den selben Sektor geschickt. Dabei trat folgendes auf. Wenn ich den Odins keinen Kampfbefehl gegeben habe (nur ein gehe zu Position) dann haben die sich abschlachten lassen, obwohl die Kanzeln auf Vernichte Feinde eingestellt waren. Wenn ich aber den Befehl "Töte alle Feinde" aktiviere, dann machen die alles platt. Nur die OWPs reagieren nicht auf solch einen Befehl. möglicherweise, weil die sich nicht bewegen können?

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Sun, 26. Oct 08, 23:11

Da es sich scheinbar um das gleiche Problem handelt...

***Themen zusammengefügt***
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

Neuauflage der fünf X-Romane als Taschenbuch

The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!

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Post by djsonyc01 » Mon, 27. Oct 08, 00:03

Habe mit den selben schiffen getestet und sagen wir genau das selbe :evil:

Sogar mit ner staffel von 16 M5, 4 M3 + 1 M6. Schrott in 5min. :evil:
Die schaffen auch keine fracht drohne zu zerstören. :evil: :D :evil:

Ist wohl ein BUG. Da ich nicht viel ahnung von der materie hab werden wir
wohl auf ein Patsch warten mussenn. :?

Ich drück mal die daumen das es einer aus der Community schafft. :roll:


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Post by Mordegar » Mon, 27. Oct 08, 01:41

Bisher getestete M7: Neutöter, Deimos und Kalmar.
Deimos und Neuntöter führen *Töte alle Feinde...* korrekt aus, Kalmar weigert sich weiterhin Feinde anzugreifen. Alle Schiffe greifen während *Patrouilliere Sektoren* keine Schiffe an.

Mal schauen ob ich genug Kohle zusammenkriege, damit ich noch den Cerberus und die Tiger testen kann.

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Post by cap-ch-b2 » Mon, 27. Oct 08, 11:22

Ich hab das beim Schweren Zentaur auch schon bemerkt.
Befehl "Sektor Patrouille" ; ich OoS ;

Er wurde von einem einzigen Pirat Buster angegriffen.
Ich dachte das geht schon; pustekuchen... nach ca 10Min war der Buster immer noch dabei meinen Zentaur zu bearbeiten, und ich nervte mich ab den 10Sek-Meldungen "Achtung eines Ihrer Sch...u.s.w"

Als ich selber in den Sektor gesprungen bin gings 2Sek ; Bum ; Buster weg !

Jetzt hab ich einen Cerberus als Sektor-Paroullie ;
- Er greift keine Gegner an
- Auch wenn ein Gegner unmittelbar auf seiner Position ist, passiert garnix.

IS funzt alles !

Zum Befehl "Sektorverteidigen" kann ich sagen, dass es funktioniert, aber auch nur IS und auch nur solange Gegner im selben Sektor sind.
Ist kein Gegner mehr da, hat das betr. Schiff keinen Auftrag mehr.
Ob das so gewollt ist, weiss ich nicht.

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Patrouille dumm wie Stroh??

Post by McCoother » Wed, 29. Oct 08, 21:47

Sry für die Wortwahl, aber wenn mein Vidar munter alle Piraten und Yaki durchlässt, obwohl die munter meine Schiffe angreifen (würden, hab zum glück en sehr nahen speicherpunkt gehabt und meine händler in stationen geschickt), dann hat man doch echt keine lust mehr -.-

Oder gibt es da irgendwelche Tricks? Meine Erklärung wäre gewesen, dass Yaki und Piraten zwar auf grundsätzlich freundlich gestellt sind, und die feindlich wenn feindlich gesinnt einstellung nicht richtig funktioniert.. weil aktiviert ist sie auf jeden fall..

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Thu, 30. Oct 08, 10:42

Da es sich wahrscheinlich um das gleiche Problem handelt...

***Themen zusammengefügt***
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

Neuauflage der fünf X-Romane als Taschenbuch

The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!

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Post by McCoother » Thu, 30. Oct 08, 12:12

Wohhooo.. Vidar ftw!!
Er hat doch mal angegriffen. Oder sich verteidigt, was auch immer. Auf jeden Fall war nach einigen Minuten im Sinza der Xenon Q platt! Mit nem M6 oos en M7 gekillt, das is doch nich übel :)

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Patroulliere sektor funktioniert nicht ??

Post by Lord_Helmchen » Sun, 2. Nov 08, 09:05


hab das prob das der befehl : Patroulliere sektor , nicht funktioniert, zumindest nicht ordnungsgemäß.

meine sektorwachen fliegen zwar schön durch die gegend, egal ob ein oder mehrere sektoren, aber die greifen keine feinde an.
erst wenn sie selbst angegriffen werden wehren sie sich, vorher passiert nischt.
stelle ich ne wache genau vor ein sprungtor und gebe den befehl : bereich bewachen ( oder so ähnlich ) dann greifen sie jedoch an.

hat das prob noch jemand oder mache ich was falsch ??


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Post by Michi99 » Sun, 2. Nov 08, 22:09


Ich hab das gleich problem mit meinen schiffen bei X3R hat das immer gut geklapt


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Post by Lord_Helmchen » Mon, 3. Nov 08, 08:25

thx für antwort.... @ egosoft...pätscht das mal bitte :D

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Post by Hust » Tue, 4. Nov 08, 10:02

Last edited by Hust on Wed, 5. Nov 08, 12:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Chaber » Tue, 4. Nov 08, 10:16

Mars installiert? und die station "neutral"?

Mars weigert sich zu feuern wenn neutrale oder befreundete(eigene) einheiten/stationen von den Geschossen getroffen werden könnten, bzw nutzt dann nur die Türme und Targets die es treffen kann die nicht in "ups, könnte neutrales treffen" Position sind.

In dem Fall -> Schiff von der station wegbewegen

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Post by Hust » Tue, 4. Nov 08, 10:19

Last edited by Hust on Wed, 5. Nov 08, 12:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Gazz » Tue, 4. Nov 08, 10:36

Nun, jemand hat bemängelt, daß das gleiche mit MARS passiert.
OOS ist das aber völlig aus. Es kann nicht laufen.

Die OOS-Berechnung scheint allgemein irgendwie nicht zu funktionieren und die hängt (theoretisch) von überhaupt keinem Script ab.

Auf gar keinen Fall spielen Turret Scripts irgendeine Rolle.
My complete script download page. . . . . . I AM THE LAW!
There is no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Tue, 4. Nov 08, 10:37

Da es sich scheinbar, um ein allgemeines Problem mit den Patrouillenkommandos OOS handelt, welches hier bereits besprochen wird,...

***Themen zusammengefügt***
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

Neuauflage der fünf X-Romane als Taschenbuch

The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!

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