[SCR] Ring of Fire - Stealth Lasertowers (v2.31 - 29.11.09)

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Post by Sandtrooper » Wed, 3. Jan 18, 15:24

Ring of Fire in TC = enemies (Xenon and Pirates) were attacked but, in AP RoF won't attack despite global settings to enemy.

I set the RoFs at N & S gates of E's Fortune = pirates came through without any firework show whatsoever. Set another ring over each predecessor but, same failure from lasers - just ignoring the pirates.

Same situation when deploying around N gate of Clarity's End. This is becoming serious now because W. Gate of Clarity's goes to the hub and then west again in the UK sector is my HQ sector.

My home sector is starting to resemble Scapa Flow when I'd prefer to have my 'acquired' Tokyos, Kyotos, Collossii and Boreii getting ready for the end of 'Shady Biz'!

Anyone have any thoughts as to why the RoF ignores foe despite Global Settings?

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