Is restarting fun ?

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Is restarting fun ?

Post by exogenesis » Fri, 13. Mar 15, 22:05

OK, so got end-game-itis,
loadsa stations, just under 4.5 billion credits, huge fleet etc

Wondering if anyone gets much joy in restarting the plot now,
e.g. compared to v1.1 which when I last did.

Assuming it's gonna be smoother & less buggy,
but is that a good enough reason to go round again,
is it more fun now ?

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Post by Nanook » Fri, 13. Mar 15, 22:29

I played the plot almost through once, and restarted with one of the other starts. I found the plot too linear, and too boring because the player doesn't really affect the outcome. I'll probably never try it again. So I can't advise that a new plot start would be fun, but I can say starting over in a different area with different conditions, and different personal rules, can be a lot of fun. Right now I'm playing Argon Mercenary and enjoying it as my fourth(?) start. :)
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Post by Vandragorax » Fri, 13. Mar 15, 22:52

Yep, try a new start with some new 'rules' or 'ultimate goal'. Maybe try being a pirate. Go make friends with the pirate factions in deep space somewhere and choose a couple of factions to piss off :D capturing and stealing and blowing up all their ships that come past. It could be pretty fun venturing further and further into difficult enemy territory to find those stations and ships carrying more valuable cargo!

Or try starting a play where you only build in DeVries. You'll have a LONG trek ahead of you to build up gradually all the stations you need but have lots of fun on the way fighting off Reavers (since you won't have much help defending your stations in that sector).

Just try something new, think of it and do it! :D

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Post by exogenesis » Fri, 13. Mar 15, 23:02

OK then,
a completely new tack sounds like a good idea,
didn't realise there was a pirate start, mercenary start is presumably similar ?.

Just man & small ship, sounds like a refreshing thing to do, cheers :)

Then again presumably you can work up any start to the same end-game,
or are there some things missing - thinking Gates or max weapons etc.

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Post by Vandragorax » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 00:10

There isn't an actual pirate start, but just take the Argon Merc start (so your ship starts with some decent weapons and you're nearer to some of the pirate zones) and go make some enemies :twisted:

And yes, you can work up any game start to the same ends. There shouldn't be anything 'missing'. It just affects how you start the game (ships, upgrades, stations, rep with faction, money etc.)

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Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 00:36

Since somewhere around 3.20, plot games see NPC stations begin to be built in DV during plot and compared to 1.1 the plot is a more smooth animal. Trying a new start style is doubtless a good idea but the plot is a bit different these days too.

Edit: Typo.
Last edited by Sparky Sparkycorp on Sat, 14. Mar 15, 17:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by wwdragon » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 16:44

I havn't restarted since 2.0.
I rather like the "Bring in the Tank!" mission, but hate building the plot forge.

I also find skunk combat horribly annoying, because the swarm missiles I like to use are slower then the heavy fighters they're supposed to take down! :x

Oh and no capital ship behaviour options, along with the fact that they don't move together when bossting, means it's not a good idea to try using fleets either, yet.

All in all, I play now just to help test and find bugs.
When I'm no longer being ripped from my immersion while playing, then I'll probably do a new game. 8)
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Post by SPzzz » Sun, 15. Mar 15, 22:10

might be fun for the new players, I'm kinda fed with how the game works after one try and another full walkthrough and not going to waste a lot of time for useless minigames and cartography/agents stuff. even taking it out of equation, what else there's to do, making enemies or building your empire doesn't change anything. oh and you are going to fly the same ship with the same options and most likely even with the same cockpit (so much for the new cockpits :D).

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Post by Tamina » Sun, 15. Mar 15, 22:35

I did a new gamestart as Argon Mercenary twice after finishing the plot.

- The first goal I set myself was building up a small station empire near the gate to OL in DV getting the money and ressources from pirating in OL and in late game also significantly from my own stations and then start a swarm attack with my DV-ships into OL. It was a disaster, I managed to build up a decent empire helping to provide an economy to DV but the Terranships got crushed in numbers by one Olmekron. >.<
The fight was cool to look at though as I gathered all my patrolling ships send them to OL and they got not even near any station. All those exploding ships.

- The second time I set my goal to crack an Xenon I. First some trading and making missions, then setting up a fleet. Lost some capitals, fight was fantastic and amazing (Recorded it, on YouTube soon). This was some real fun but my heart broke when my hard earned ships got destroyed :'(

So yes it can be fun, if you have enough imagination. Its a sandbox, do what you want to do.
Oh and cheating or glitching destroys the fun immeadiatly. Did some replays more then twice and couldn't resist. Fun was over after one/two hours.

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Post by Cloth Ears » Mon, 16. Mar 15, 14:58

I played the release game plot until I could not move my construction ship, then began again at v2 but life got in the way.

My third plot start in 3.2 has been really good fun. My only real issue has just been addressed and marked for a future build (the bug squashing is now becoming responsive). 3.5 now has some polish to it making management less tiresome.

I have just finished my 'RMP' Harware Facrtory in Last Stand and the credits begin to pour in :D

Glad I paid full price; I knew it would take a while to get into an enjoyable state and being a bit older, I have the patience to leave it on the shelf as they polish it. Egosoft should just have done a soft 'beta' release to save all the vitriol they got at release.

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Post by M.Kessel » Mon, 16. Mar 15, 19:06

I started the cam"pain" first time n V 3.5.

After 2 hours, I could not take it any longer. Dropped it, now I play sandbox mode.

Should have thrown her out of the airlock, first time I saw her. Without space suit, of course.
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Post by M.Kessel » Mon, 16. Mar 15, 19:21

Cloth Ears wrote: Glad I paid full price; I knew it would take a while to get into an enjoyable state and being a bit older, I have the patience to leave it on the shelf as they polish it. Egosoft should just have done a soft 'beta' release to save all the vitriol they got at release.
Glad I payed the low price in December, getting the DLC for free, too. I have the patience to leave ALL games on shelves, untill they are ready to be played.

Nowadays, with the greedy distributors, you cannot expect them to sell ready or even complete games any longer. You are forced to buy the "game of the year" edition with all DLC included, ... 1 year after they published this last version, to be sure you get something of value for your money.

And the bane of the gamers is early access, there you have to pay for playing an alpha.

And for the vitriol on release: If I see this game in V3.5, far from been completed, I can understand every gamecritic on this planet for their realistic gamescores. What I do not understand is, why UBISOFT did not get comparable scores for Assassin's Creed unity, Watch dogs and Far cry 4 on PC.

- Watch dogs is deadly boring. Worst thing you can say about a game. Hypocritical main protanonist included.

- Unity - Bugs, glitches, performance issues.

- Far Cr4 on PC - Bad console port, with bad mouse controls - at least in the first version. Does not run (officially) on dualcores.
I'm depressed

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