OS X support thread

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Post by timon37 » Thu, 25. Jun 15, 09:47

ladirection wrote:I wanted to ask the same thing. I love this game so far but it's very taxing on my system. Do you plan on releasing a future update built on the Metal for OS X API?
No, I'd say (my personal opinion) it's almost completely out-of-question.
Vulkan is a very likely candidate when we decide to upgrade to a new API, though honestly that's quite a while in the future.
The only option for metal I see would be if it's similar enough to Vulkan that supporting it is trivial to implement. But if that's the case then I have to wonder why make a separate api in the first place?

Though we're constantly working on performance, and I think we can squeeze quite a bit more out of opengl, not to mention that on a typical well balanced system in most cases for our game the Universe/AI calculations are the bottleneck.

Edit: Looking at your system specs my best guess would be you're running out of gpu-ram. First of all avoid cmd-tabbing as it can result in framebuffers landing in system memory which kills performance (I've got plans to improve/workaround this). I'm also working on reducing memory usage in general.
Finally I'm considering adding support for setting lower-resolution textures and lower quality texture filtering (mostly for integrated gpus), but I can't promise when/if it'll happen.

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Post by Eriru Drourojj » Tue, 7. Jul 15, 11:07


Just noticed that the Collector's Edition content is missing fro the steam game properties DLC tab, the related in-game menu shows the content as installed and the content folder is present also fortunately the space opera download can be started from the in-game main menu.
Ever since man first left his cave and met a stranger with a different language and a new way of looking at things, the human race has had a dream, to kill him so we don't have to learn his language or his new way of looking at things!!! - Zap Brannigan

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Post by rboerdijk » Mon, 13. Jul 15, 14:52

@Eriru Drourojj - thanks for the feedback.

I checked with my account and seem to have to same issue. Forwarded some screenshots to our steam-expert who will discuss it with valve.

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Post by rboerdijk » Tue, 14. Jul 15, 10:10

Update: Collector's Edition content should now also be shown in the steam-client on OSX / Linux

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Post by Eriru Drourojj » Wed, 9. Sep 15, 15:59


Thanks for that speedy update sorry for the slow response, has the final public 3.60 been rolled out to the OS X version? Also how goes progress on the port in general?
Ever since man first left his cave and met a stranger with a different language and a new way of looking at things, the human race has had a dream, to kill him so we don't have to learn his language or his new way of looking at things!!! - Zap Brannigan

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Post by rboerdijk » Wed, 9. Sep 15, 16:12

Yes, we generally (try to) release all 3 platforms simultaneously.

I made a start with Gamepad/Joystick support and some general performance improvements and Timon investigated some gpu-vendor specific performance issues and graphics issues ( some of those changes which will probably land in the XR codebase very soon ). We also made sure the "next project" runs on osx/linux ( required porting of some shaders and various other things ).

The plan is to continue with "known" linux/osx issues ( mainly missing gfx features, joystick, things like icon-colors on the map, ... ). Note: that that plan can always change, depending on priorities of our various tasks :)

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Post by Eriru Drourojj » Wed, 9. Sep 15, 23:58

Great stuff thanks for replying, I have been interested in looking into alternate controls but i'm unsure of of any OS X compatibility in general. Are the likes of the Saitek flight sticks on your list?
Ever since man first left his cave and met a stranger with a different language and a new way of looking at things, the human race has had a dream, to kill him so we don't have to learn his language or his new way of looking at things!!! - Zap Brannigan

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Post by rboerdijk » Thu, 10. Sep 15, 10:49

We intend to use the generic joystick support which SDL2 offers - basically replacing the "lower-level" code - and feeding axis/buttons/values back to the "higher level" joystick code ( which does something with the values and allows you to map it to some action ). I don't intend to change the higher-level-code.

Question to you - since you own the Saitek - did you try it in XR under windows, and does it work as you expect?

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Post by Eriru Drourojj » Thu, 10. Sep 15, 14:57

Sorry no i don't own a Saitek but was interested in maybe getting one, at present I have a xbox 360 and one controller. Someone has made a driver for the xbox one controller to run in OS X but XR doesn't recognise the input, but other steam games do.
Ever since man first left his cave and met a stranger with a different language and a new way of looking at things, the human race has had a dream, to kill him so we don't have to learn his language or his new way of looking at things!!! - Zap Brannigan

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Post by primus2000 » Wed, 7. Oct 15, 09:32

HI together
i have opened another thread , but maybe my issue has got something to do with my game running on OS X .

First at all my game is running super stable , 36 Hours are no problem even working on another desktop , even doing some Video rendering.

Now my Problems :
I started a free game , after nearly 150 hours all shipyards are empty with resources and drones but they don't buy any stuff . So the game is kinda stuck . The shipyards have been attacked , some other guys told me that they should been repaired , but even after 40 hours nothing happened .
My guess is that most of the stations are stuck . I see most of the resources are not needed ,when i check my trading computer .
Does anybody have an idea ?

Second little issue : sometimes i cannot move , and then i am stuck , cannot save , only last chance is when launched to find another ship and activate for a short moment the autopilot . Nothing really bad only when i didn't save the game for a few hours .

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Post by rboerdijk » Wed, 7. Oct 15, 09:45

For the resource issue
- Are you using any mods ( if so, which ones? )
- To investigate we would need your savegame. Could you compress it and mail it to "crash at egosoft dot com" ?

For the 'stuck' problem, best would be if we get a repro-case for this - it might be ui-related ( some menu keeping 'focus'), I'll forward it to our UI-developer, maybe he has some ideas.

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Post by primus2000 » Wed, 7. Oct 15, 11:25

unfortunately i use some mods ,
i don't have much time so i added many mods because didn't wanna start
as a lil bird ,
and i added some money in a save game :roll:
yes i am not very patient , and i use a mod where i can build shipyards ( they need a lot of resources )
am i still in the race for a save game check ?

well i work a lot , twin kids , a wife , so i don't have a lot of time for playing
i hope my cheating work is a little forgiven
The game still is great , makes a lot of fun , and i would love when i can help .

I use nearly 10 mods , i can check when i am at home

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Post by rboerdijk » Wed, 7. Oct 15, 12:36

Generally we avoid saves with mods because they can cause problems in various areas.

Anyway, just send us the save, we'll see wether we can (easily) load it and take a *quick* look. Not making any further promises, though.

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Post by Eriru Drourojj » Tue, 13. Oct 15, 18:40


Not sure what's happened or which update caused it but now after upgrading to El Capitan, steams recent update and possibly the latest patch to XR, something is causing the screen to be black only showing the cursor, The startup videos play fine. edit: it is happening when i skip the intro videos but appears to load ok if left to play them, also now even on the lowest setting i cannot get FPS higher than low 20's

keep up the good work rboerdijk and Ego team
Ever since man first left his cave and met a stranger with a different language and a new way of looking at things, the human race has had a dream, to kill him so we don't have to learn his language or his new way of looking at things!!! - Zap Brannigan

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Post by rboerdijk » Wed, 14. Oct 15, 09:12


I tested on my 2014 iMac with Yosemite 10.10.4, skipped the intro-vids and it runs fine.
Same test on my 2013 mbp with El Capitan 10.11 and also runs fine.

Tried also with letting the intro-movies play to the end, and beside a graphics-glitch (loading of assets), it also worked fine.

Did you try a verify of the steam-cache? Maybe some files got corrupted... ( on the other hand, than it wouldn't work either if you let the movies play to the end... hmm ) ?

To be clear, do you get <20 fps in the mainmenu ( where you select new game etc ), or do you get 20 fps ingame? Any idea how much it was before the issue started occuring ?

Does anyone else experience this issue ?


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Post by timon37 » Wed, 14. Oct 15, 10:33

@Eriru Drourojj

Hi what gpu do you have? I'm mainly interested in the vendor (intel, nvidia or amd/ati), but the exact model would also be useful.
I'd also like you to test a few things:
1. run in windowed mode, check if you get a black screen in either case (skipping video or not)
2. try if alt+tabbing to another window and back fixes the black screen when you get it (in fullscreen mode)

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Post by Eriru Drourojj » Wed, 14. Oct 15, 18:08

Hi Timon37,

I was getting these issues while connected to a Samsung UE55JS9000 but for testing purposes I also ran the same tests with just the 15" retina display,

Alt + Tab crashes game, CMD + Tab does nothing

Nvidia GT 750M 2048GB
V-Sync - On
Distance settings - 15

Samsung - thunderbolt 1.2 to HDMI 2.0 cable
main menu fps 28 - 30

in-game location - silent night - Den 1
spinning on spot 16 fps
stationary 23 fps max

Fullscreen mode
skip intro black screen 24 secs
delay on intro vids starting 14 secs
allow intro vids to play
- white screen "loading assets"? 32 secs

no delay loading intro vids

Windowed Borderless
no delay loading intro vids

Retina 15" display, disconnected from samsung
1440 x 900
General main menu 60 fps

in-game location - silent night - Den 1
spinning on spot 25 - 48 fps
stationary 55 fps max

Fullscreen mode
skip intro black screen 19 secs
delay on intro vids starting 14 secs
allow intro vids to play
- white screen "loading assets"? 18 secs

no delay loading intro vids

Windowed Borderless
no delay loading intro vids

Hope this is useful.

Ever since man first left his cave and met a stranger with a different language and a new way of looking at things, the human race has had a dream, to kill him so we don't have to learn his language or his new way of looking at things!!! - Zap Brannigan

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Post by rboerdijk » Fri, 16. Oct 15, 17:20

We will probably push out a new linux/osx version early next week. It contains many changes to the openGL code, could you try it ( when it's released ) and keep us updated on whether your issue still remains ... ?

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Post by primus2000 » Thu, 22. Oct 15, 22:14

Hi there
thanks for the color update , i missed it on my mini map .
I am still playing around with my "stations won't repair " problem
i started a vanilla game , only for testing if it occures . On vanilla it is OK
Shipyards got atacked , and immedially get repaired .
I found out that the problem always appears when i use mods that let the player build shipyards or there spawn 3 shipyards for the player .

When playing with that mods
I noticed that i always was able to equip a station with builder drones , on a vanilla game that is not possible
maybe the problem comes from there .

I startet a new game only with some lil mods , worked very good for a while, but now it starts again that i find stations that are stunned , with Hulls of maybe 80 - 90 % , and they don't get repaired .
Is this part of the game or a issue ?

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Post by primus2000 » Thu, 22. Oct 15, 22:24

My next thought :
i ist possible that the error appears after i finished my first station .
I just checked different stations , same song again .
The stations are stunned , won't buy any goods nor deliver anything .

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