What's about Reinforced Metal Plating in XR 3.53 ?

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Sparky Sparkycorp
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Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Mon, 10. Aug 15, 16:06

Yes, that is slipstreaming. I can test remote Traitor detonation for a bit but i will report later and look forward to your report :)

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Post by XenonSurf » Tue, 11. Aug 15, 05:09

I did some testing with the Traitor Drone and Slipstreaming.
The commands work as intended but once the CAP is boosting I didn't get it to stop OOZ. I have chosen a Pharma Rahanas doing some trading at a dock and meanwhile I placed with my Traitor drone 2 mines on every engine plus 4 mines on the Jump Drive. The CAP was then boosting away at some point with me just above him. I press R to detonate which works, but he just continues to boost away, and without me :evil:
The ship info shows that his engines are at 0.

I will repeat the procedure with more Traitor drones, as I guess that the overall damage inflicted was too low, but other than the destruction of the engines I don't know what could possibly bring him to a halt.

Here some infos about the Traitor:
- Select a ship's surface element and press CTRL to place a mine on it
- You don't need to be in the Traitor to detonate the mines, you can press R at any time.
- 1 Traitor will carry 8 mines

About Slipstreaming:
In the Option menu, you can deactivate the stop engine when going in menus, so you don't get out of slipstreaming once the ship has boosted.
Also, be sure to hit SPACE to deactivate the mouse steering once close to the ship and before boosting otherwise you also leave slipstreaming.

If someone has an idea about how to bring a CAP to stop boosting, with a Traitor drone or else, I'd be glad to hear about!


Sparky Sparkycorp
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Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Tue, 11. Aug 15, 09:13

Thanks for the testing! I was stuck in Maelstrom at the end of plot last night and didn't get a chance to test - will this evening.

Sometimes I have noticed that it takes a while for a boosting ship to decelerate. It is possible that it carried on going out of the zone then stopped OOZ. I will try and test that. If it doesn't, it sounds like a bug if the engines read zero.

I guess we could also test with our ships order to a different zone in order to have better info on their surface elements and their position.

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Post by XenonSurf » Tue, 11. Aug 15, 14:50

Yes, the only 'logical' behavior the CAP can have after the destruction of its engines is that there is a Momentum in its forward speed that causes him to continue flying for some time.
In this case it's important to already detonate the mines a few seconds after he starts boosting so that hopefully he comes to a halt before the next zone. It could then easily be terminated or boarded without rep loss.

But that's all theory...
Next time I will put really a big number of mines for a nice explosion.

Also I will try Commander Kat's spoiler about Tracker Mines which are the same mines you find in DV. Kat says if you drop them they will head towards any enemy and detonate...I'm curious if this works. First I must find the right NPC selling them.


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Post by XenonSurf » Tue, 11. Aug 15, 22:58

Good news: I have managed to stop a CAP from boosting. It's all about a good number of mines to place on surface elements, not too many or the ship will explode, just the right quantity. I had 2 Traitor Drones at the start (2x 8 mines)
For a Rahanas type I have placed:

- 2 mines x engine
- 2 mines on Jump Drive
- 2 mines on bigger surface elements (shield generator...)
- 1 mine per turret on the upper side + downside near the engines

This is the limit where the ship may explode or be reduced to about 5-15% Hull.

I detonate the mines a few seconds after the ship has initiated boosting. If you are in your drone you will hear the radio com "...ah yes Otani, a known criminal...blah blah..." (that's because they spot the drone I guess); if you stay in your Skunk and the drones have returned, you don't get radio coms immediately.
The funny thing is: Because the CAP is OOZ, these messages occur as normal, but NO rep points are substracted :)
I think even the rep of the CAP faction has not changed. So just don't care about the radio coms.

My situation was this: My Boarding Strenght was 38 (Half Veteran Marines, half Recruits, MO at 4-Stars).
After the CAP was stopping it was at 7% Hull between the zones with Battle Resistance of 64.
Anyone who has read my Boarding Journal will know that with such numbers I CANNOT win the boarding !! I can make the ship explode easily, but boarding? I would have to destroy more of the ship to lower its Resistance, but with 7% this is not possible, in fact with 1% Hull he was still at 64!
In order to get his number down I had to destroy the Drone Bay at the risk to make him explode.
What I did: I initiated the Boarding anyway but just skipped some Yisha Mission in the hope the Hull would rise so I could make the final missile attack that would get the numbers in my favor, but... the Hull has increased to 15% again (my marines have dropped from 50 to 15 because of the mission skipping), then I destroyed the Drone Bay and then...

...Game crash :evil:

The first crash I had since I started in Free Play 3 monthes ago, but doing unusual things this is the price I guess...

For anyone with a stronger Skunk (higher than BS 60) it will be simple to board a ship after detonating the mines. Just make sure that:

- Don't overdo it with the mines, don't place too many of them (will depend on the ship type)
- Detonate a few seconds after the CAP has boosted, otherwise the CAP makes it in the next zone.

Basically that's it.
I will repeat my tests and then update my Boarding Journal for this case.
Also I still have to do the tests with Tracker Mines.

Feedbacks are welcome,

Sparky Sparkycorp
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Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Tue, 11. Aug 15, 23:24

The XenonSparky manoeuvre is a success! Awesome :)

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Post by XenonSurf » Tue, 11. Aug 15, 23:53

Well, I'll quote this one :D
But I will have to repeat all this, it's too soon to tell if this *really* works or is just the result of incredible luck. I didn't like the game crash, not because I didn't get the CAP, mind you, but I'm afraid that the XR code cannot deal with OOZ activity. I hope I'm wrong here.


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Post by XenonSurf » Wed, 12. Aug 15, 18:31

I think all the last posts from strude's one on page 1 "I originally..." should be moved to a separate spoiler threat called 'Traitor Drone and Boarding'.

These ideas will otherwise vanish in Nirvana...


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