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24.Apr.24 7.00 Public Beta 3 now available  (101 评论)
Today we are taking the next step towards the 7.00 release and have published a new beta version (7.00 Beta 3) for you. Thank you for your feedback so far, and for your continued support as we move towards this substantial update for X4: Foundations. Please visit our forum for the full 7.00 changelog overview.

How Do I Take Part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 7.00 Public Beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum - no registration required - to find the relevant information.

Please share your feedback / bug report in our Public Beta Feedback forum. Before doing so, please make sure you read the Public Beta Rules and Information, which you can find in a sticky thread at the top of that forum.
posted by Gregory
11.Apr.24 7.00 Public Beta 2 now available  (101 评论)
Thank you for all your positive feedback on our 7.00 Public Beta launch last week, and also on our dedicated trailer. Those of you who have been with us for a while know how things proceed from here on out, but for all new X4 pilots, here's a heads up: During the Public Beta phase, we will regularly release new beta versions that fix issues found in the previous version, or improve features. This way, we are slowly but surely working our way towards the release of the final 7.00 update.

The next step in this direction is today's release of 7.00 Public Beta 2, which you can download now. At the end of this news you will find the changelog for this new version.

How Do I Take Part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 7.00 Public Beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum - no registration required - to find the relevant information.

Frequently Asked Questions
Since the start of the 7.00 Public Beta, a number of questions have repeatedly come up, and we would like to address those here:

How do I deactivate or change the UI Glow effect?
From the X4 start menu, head to "Settings", then "Graphics Settings". You will find the "UI Glow Quality" entry. You can select "off" to deactivate the effect completely, or switch to "Low", "Medium" and "High" presets.

I can't access "Timelines", it's greyed out.
The 7.00 Public Beta does not include our next expansion X4: Timelines. The expansion will not be part of any public beta tests. You will not be able to test X4: Timelines in the 7.00 Public Beta of X4: Foundations. The menu item being greyed out is therefore intentional.

How do I start the new "Existential Crisis" endgame content?
The crisis will trigger upon reaching around half a billion in assets, most of which should be military. This is based on construction cost, i.e. not the monetary value you see in the Empire Menu. Boso Ta will contact you and guide you through the crisis.

The 7.00 Public Beta announcement said I can now board / claim / fly Xenon ships. Why doesn't it work?
This should now work in 7.00 Public Beta 2, released today. Please update your game if you're in the Public Beta branch.

I have reverted back from the 7.00 Public Beta branch to version 6.20 of X4 and now my mouse is slow when looking around while walking / in first person mode. What's up with that?
The 7.00 Public Beta modifies and adds a few settings in the key binding configuration file, therefore rendering the file incompatible with older versions of the game. Please restore your key bindings to their default by going to Settings > Controls > Input Profiles > Load Profile, and selecting the Reset to Default > Default - Keyboard & Mouse / Controller option.

I'm experiencing an issue with ...
Please share your feedback / bug report in our Public Beta Feedback forum. Before doing so, please make sure you read the Public Beta Rules and Information, which you can find in a sticky thread at the top of that forum.

Specific test / feedback requests
If you have already visited our Public Beta Feedback Forum, you will have seen that we are asking for feedback and reports on specific game features. We would like to explicitly point out some of these requests here so that a wider audience can see them, and ideally participate in reporting and sending feedback:Please post your feedback as a new thread in our Public Beta Feedback Forum, and make sure you have read the rules and information beforehand.

>> Visit our forum for the full 7.00 changelog overview.
posted by Gregory
04.Apr.24 《X4:基石》7.00 公共测试今日发布!
Egosoft 非常高兴地宣布《X4:基石》7.00 公共测试正式发布,这是 X 宇宙进化过程中的一个重要里程碑。与今天的公告同时发布的还有一个综合预告片,展示了一些新功能和增强功能,以及等待着老玩家和新玩家的未来宇宙。请加入 7.00 公共测试,与我们一起迈向今年年尾的正式发布。

每个拥有《X4:基石》的玩家都有机会下载新的 7.00 公共测试版。为了确保测试版参与者了解 相关风险和规则,我们要求所有感兴趣的玩家访问我们的论坛,在那里可以看到规则和免责声明,以及参与测试版的实用说明。请点击此链接进入我们的论坛 - 无需注册 - 即可找到相关信息。

随着《X4:基石》的最新更新,玩家将体验到游戏迄今为止最全面的进化,其增强功能涵盖内容、游戏机制、可用性、辅助性和技术性能。新篇章引入了一系列变革性的更新和功能,旨在加深玩家在探索广袤太空、参与动态遭遇战以及驾驭 X4 宇宙错综复杂的经济和政治版图时的身临其境的体验。



7.00 版本更新将为宇宙引入多艘新战舰,而我们要重点介绍的是一艘非常特别的新战舰。正如 5.00 版本中重新设计的主力舰一样,我们将重新设计Xenon型号 PE 和 SE,而这两艘战舰将在开放宇宙中逐步取代之前的型号(P 和 S)。

同样令人兴奋的是几艘地表改造者战舰的首次亮相。这些飞船深入研究了《X:超越边界》(1999 年)的传承,以庆祝今年 X 系列诞生 25 周年。这些新模型让人联想到它们的前辈,可以在开放的宇宙中遇到。准备好探索这些独特的设计吧!

X4 中首次出现可飞行的Xenon飞船
坐稳你的飞行员座椅,因为还有更多在后头!随着 7.00 版本的更新,我们将使您能够实际驾驶选定的Xenon飞船。重新设计的 Xenon 型号(PE、SE)和 7.00 版中引入的新地表改造者型号都可以登船驾驶,就像您的 X4 舰队中的其他飞船一样。您可以登上这些飞船,经历为您量身订造的体验,从而为 X 宇宙提供一个全新的视角。

除了这些新内容外,7.00 版本更新还包括重大的游戏增强功能,例如为老玩家引入了 "存在危机 "终局挑战。这一令人生畏的对抗将让玩家面对一个不遗余力进行侵略的派系,为玩家提供了策略和应变能力的新维度。对于那些喜欢更宁静的星际之旅的玩家,可以选择不参加这项挑战,确保为每一位指挥官量身定制不同的体验。


本次更新的重点是让所有人都能更轻松愉快地玩游戏,因此引入了增强型按钮重映射和现成的控制配置,以满足您在太空中的转向需求。它还为色盲玩家提供了可自定义用户界面颜色的新选项和FOV 滑块。此外,更新还为各种操作提供了音频和文字反馈,进一步帮助玩家了解游戏动态并做出明智的决定。此外,还为那些觉得游戏节奏过于紧张的玩家推出了减速模式,让玩家可以获得更有节制、更悠闲的游戏体验。这些功能旨在为玩家提供灵活性,使其能够根据自己的喜好和需求定制游戏体验。


此次更新的核心是对 XTECH 5 引擎进行了重大技术改进,使游戏更加流畅和稳定。玩家将明显感受到这些改进带来的不同,其中包括带来清晰视觉效果的时间抗锯齿,以及增加宇宙深度和真实感的增强阴影。

《X4:基石》7.00 版的重大更新彰显了我们对《X4》进化的不懈追求,旨在提供比以往任何时候都更丰富、更身临其境、更易于游玩的体验。当我们准备通过公开测试版与您分享 7.00 版的广泛增强功能时,我们团队的兴奋之情溢于言表。

秉承以往重大更新的传统,我们的工作不会就此停止。反馈阶段至关重要,我们渴望进一步完善更新,既要借鉴我们自己的创造性见解,更重要的是借鉴您在公开测试期间提供的宝贵反馈。我们鼓励您在我们的 公开测试版反馈论坛上分享您的经验和看法,帮助我们调整和完善游戏体验。

在您深入了解 7.00 中引入的巨大变化的同时,我们的团队已经开始展望未来,孜孜不倦地开发《X4》传奇的下一个新版本,《X4:时间线》。请放心,我们会尽快分享关于这个全新且与众不同的DLC的更多信息。与此同时,我们可以确认,我们正在按计划在今年迟些时候发布《X4:时间线》和《X4:基石》的 7.00 版本更新,继续扩展和丰富我们所热爱的宇宙。


>> 7.00 公开测试版 1 更改日志
posted by Gregory
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