[Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by naisha » Thu, 7. Mar 24, 09:20

Hector0x wrote:
Thu, 7. Mar 24, 07:05
What if the player selects a new commander before the old one returns?
About this. Is there a quick way to change leader in the fleet, maybe from the fleet settings? I looked but didnt find a way to do it quickly. This could be a workaround until a better way is implemented. A setting in the fleet settings which you choose a new leader. I thought that pressing enter with a ship within a fleet selected would do this but it changes their order or something. This way the old damaged leader would become a member of the fleet and get automatically sent to repair/maintain.
Hector0x wrote:
Thu, 7. Mar 24, 07:05
About 40 M3 or 8 M6 should do the trick. You can try with less, especially if you only want to destroy the base and are willing to run away from the potential M7 spawn.
The most dangerous pirate wave which could be spawning right on top of you during the station siege should be like 3 M6 at once. But they don't have any dedicated defenders so it would just be bad luck.
I guess an M7 piloted by me would suffice, no? I am almost ready to build one and i can throw in a few m6's. I will try this.

I have the pirate contract in my main system so thats somewhat safe. However there is another system of mine next to it with another pirate base and i dont have perk slots for a contract there. Even with the contracts, pirates seem to spawn a lot of fleets composed of a few m6's and several m3's which then go around my systems causing problems.
I will try to get rid of them once i can build an M7.

My current patrol fleets are mostly composed of M3's which get decimated by the pirate M6's s they are ordered to run away from any M6.

Related to pirate contract perks. How do fleets behave when defending a sector with a pirate contract there? If there are pirate ships, do they attack them? Do the pirates shoot back? Or do the fleets ignore pirates if the system they are in has that perk?
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hector0x » Thu, 7. Mar 24, 11:45

To answer that i'd have to review the code again but i believe that player fleets will still aggro the pirates even if the sector has the contract perk. So you might want to keep your fleet away from the sector using a custom monitoring sector list or something. This should probably get handled better.

The pirates definitely don't initiate the attacks and probably just defend themselves. The pirate contract is embedded even in the pirate's turret scripts so they should never be the ones who start to shoot.

About your fighters being told to avoid M6. This is still just a basic periodic check if that enemy ship class or bigger is in the same sector. If so the fleet retreats but sometimes they will choose an exit wormhole exactly behind the enemy which they should avoid. So its not perfect but for me the auto fleet retreat usually worked well enough

Switching fleet commander can be done quickly from his vanilla ship command console > view X ships in fleet > now you can select any follower and promote him.

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Fri, 8. Mar 24, 10:27

Ok so my game started to freeze.

I can reproduce the freeze 100% of the time.

This save is with Renegades 2.5

Here is the Galaxy
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
Here is the save
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uCm6AV ... sp=sharing

To reproduce the freeze, just fly through any gate and the game will freeze when loading the new sector.

I've tried going through different gates, freeze.
I've tried warping the ship to a random system using cheats, freeze.
I've even tried to teleport my self to another ship, and then warp that M7 using cheats (tried even without but with GOD mode active so that ship doesnt die) to another system, after a few to several seconds, freeze.

What i didnt try is to let the ship die and teleport myself to another ship ...

EDIT: I just tried the above, let the M7 die and teleport out. Ive waited a couple of minutes and no freeze. So maybe something bugged with that ship?

One very important thing to note about this save. I got myself in a bit of a situation and im aboard an M7 which gets blown up by xenon so you got a few seconds to turn on the GOD cheat.

I had a save just prior to this, i was in another system but i accidentally overwritten the save when trying to load it instead. So yeah, there goes this game. I did this same mistake twice on both my saves ...... i know, im dumb. All my autosaves are very old because i havent docked to a station in a looong time.

I've been getting more and more freezes lately but none that i could reproduce except for this one.

I guess time to start a new game, yet again ... this time i think imma go for the newer version of the mod
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hairless-Ape » Fri, 8. Mar 24, 16:31

This has been fixed.

Download the last Patch posted right below the 2.6 download link. You will not need a new game.
I also updated the 2.6 release files so anyone who gets those will not need a patch.

This was a fix to a fix to support the increased turret ranges made in Zero Hour. As you were leaving the system, those xenon were targeting you with their main turrets and it was still trying to fire on you even after you left :) Anyway, sometimes when you make a big change like the turret range extension revamp, there are 'ripples' of things that break and are hard to find.. Hopefully this is the last related piece.
FYI, your saved game took me right to the problem and was the only reason I found this. Good work.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Fri, 8. Mar 24, 18:48

Hairless-Ape wrote:
Fri, 8. Mar 24, 16:31
This has been fixed.

Download the last Patch posted right below the 2.6 download link. You will not need a new game.
I also updated the 2.6 release files so anyone who gets those will not need a patch.

This was a fix to a fix to support the increased turret ranges made in Zero Hour. As you were leaving the system, those xenon were targeting you with their main turrets and it was still trying to fire on you even after you left :) Anyway, sometimes when you make a big change like the turret range extension revamp, there are 'ripples' of things that break and are hard to find.. Hopefully this is the last related piece.
FYI, your saved game took me right to the problem and was the only reason I found this. Good work.

But, im playing with 2.6 now in a new game and my game froze again. I was fighting some khaak with an m6 i claimed and in the middle of the fight my game froze. Sadly i dont have a save file ... im very bad at saving games, i always forget. Wish X3 had an autosave feature to save whenever you enter a sector.... My last save is quite a while ago ...

I think imma go and try the interworlds mod for X4 now. Ill get back to X3 Renegades shortly but for now im kinda tired to have to restart. My last save apparently is when i started this save. Just before claiming my first sector (i used the quickstart thing)
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hairless-Ape » Sat, 9. Mar 24, 00:45

Have fun naisha.

I found X4 to be so full of inconsistencies and more bugs than I could count, but over many years and a full team of developers, it seems it's getting very solid these days. Now if they could just make the game fun. Perhaps the mod you speak of is the key to that.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Sat, 9. Mar 24, 07:52

Hairless-Ape wrote:
Sat, 9. Mar 24, 00:45
Have fun naisha.

I found X4 to be so full of inconsistencies and more bugs than I could count, but over many years and a full team of developers, it seems it's getting very solid these days. Now if they could just make the game fun. Perhaps the mod you speak of is the key to that.
Well that didnt take long. Im back at X3 Renegades ... well at work anyway. I have a job that has some quiet moments each day when i can do whatever i want so i choose to play a bit on my workstation which isnt capable of running x4 but runs X3 pretty well so im back at playing it

Ill try to remember to save often and if i get into another freeze ill post here the save and galaxy
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Sat, 9. Mar 24, 21:51

A bit of a feedback after playing the latest version.

I think gaining nation status is way too easy and fast. I started my game with the quickstart option, started capturing bailed ships that were around and bam ... im a nation?
I claimed 9 m3s and 1 m6

I only claimed 3 sectors and im still working on my first sector to build the necessary stations to supply my station building outpost.

I much prefer the 2.5 way of gaining nation status tbh.

I'm nowhere near ready to build my own ships (well actually im building fighters in my first sectors from the resources you start with and with some resources i buy so im able to replace lost fighters in my patrol fleet). If an AI faction declares war on me, ive got 0 chances to beat them
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hector0x » Sun, 10. Mar 24, 09:35

sounds like an oversight from that recent change which replaced the class based ship power rating with the ship Value. The end result is probably much higher than before, which could trigger the nation threshold too early.

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hairless-Ape » Sun, 10. Mar 24, 13:53

Saved game?

I think it's likely what Hector said. Prior to 2.6, M3's didn't count at all towards your power rating, along with haulers. Now, all your ships count, and the 800 power rating you have to get to comes very quickly if you accumulate small ships.
We can certainly double, or triple that value in the config file. My goal was to make all your ships count towards your fleet "value" and to have them valued more accurately, but the bar for nation status certainly could be too low now.. Let me know.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Sun, 10. Mar 24, 14:59

Hairless-Ape wrote:
Sun, 10. Mar 24, 13:53
Saved game?

I think it's likely what Hector said. Prior to 2.6, M3's didn't count at all towards your power rating, along with haulers. Now, all your ships count, and the 800 power rating you have to get to comes very quickly if you accumulate small ships.
We can certainly double, or triple that value in the config file. My goal was to make all your ships count towards your fleet "value" and to have them valued more accurately, but the bar for nation status certainly could be too low now.. Let me know.
New game on 2.6

Quickstart gives you 2 m6s, approximately 8 m3 (don't remember how many they were), 1 TL, 4 or 5 TS and I think an m4.

I claimed 9 m3s and an m6 and I think 1 or 2 TS. I built a couple m3s for my patrol fleets and 4 m5s for explorers and tugs

All that being said I think it's too few ships to be considered a nation. A single under strength battlegroup could wipe me

I think you should become a nation when you are able to build at least a few m7s or 1 m2/m1
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hairless-Ape » Sun, 10. Mar 24, 15:33

I still strongly believe all your ships should count towards your overall fleet "power" because that just makes sense, but it's clear to me, that with the more accurate fleet power assessment, we will need to increase the "Power Nation Goal" setting in the 9973 from 800 to perhaps something between 1600 to 2400 as a default value. I think because you do the quick-start, you're already starting the game with a lot of fleet power, and it's being triggered rather quickly.

I guess for now, I'll change the default to 2000, and we can change it later if you wish or if I hear from you sooner about a better recommendation. 2000 should be the equivalent of about 4 low end M2's.
I have a few minor fixes as well, and have just put out a patch that includes this. (linked at top of thread).

Unfortunately, for a running game, I don't know how to 'back' you out of nation status. Hopefully not the end of the world though.. Being a nation does imply some perks to taxes, and if the A.I. declares war on you, it's a low percentage dice roll, so absolute worst case, you could load up a save to try a different role if you're not ready for a war.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hairless-Ape » Sun, 10. Mar 24, 17:10

Latest patch released to address a few issues.

. Some people were experiencing a massively reduced FPS when they opened the message "Refugees arrived at your outpost...". I made some changes in how this message is presented and think this may be better. Let me know if you see it again.
. Hard level, Beacon count restriction was allowing you one less beacon than it should have.
. Tugs no longer put "Captured" in front of the ship name.
. Changed Default Power Nation status goal from 800 to 2000 due to the more accurate ship point assessment being done now. (new game required)
. Fixed an issue where the new Cargo level display feature was making any Player Log messages appear blank if those messages included the ship name.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Mon, 11. Mar 24, 06:41

Hairless-Ape wrote:
Sun, 10. Mar 24, 17:10
Latest patch released to address a few issues.

. Some people were experiencing a massively reduced FPS when they opened the message "Refugees arrived at your outpost...". I made some changes in how this message is presented and think this may be better. Let me know if you see it again.
. Hard level, Beacon count restriction was allowing you one less beacon than it should have.
. Tugs no longer put "Captured" in front of the ship name.
. Changed Default Power Nation status goal from 800 to 2000 due to the more accurate ship point assessment being done now. (new game required)
. Fixed an issue where the new Cargo level display feature was making any Player Log messages appear blank if those messages included the ship name.


Ive played a bit with the new patch and all changes are great. Especially the tug one and the nation thing

The message log is still broken. That particular message about the refugees i'd have to start a new game to see if it lags or not (i might do it today or tomorrow to test it) but the message log on one hand is better but on the other is still broken.

The good thing about the log now is that it opens much quicker than before (probably caused by the refugee message)
The bad thing is that even with this fix, the log, once openned still tanks your FPS. I go from having a steady 144 fps to anywhere between 1 and 10. Something in there is still broken.
Individual messages that come and you open them to read are fine so far, ive not seen any fps drop in any messages i received so far so its only the log that does that. Idk, maybe its coloring in messages that causes this or the amount of messages? Or both? I have no idea

EDIT: Is there any way you can improve the performance when opening up a fleet in the fleet settings? Whenever i open a fleet to edit its behavior my fps drops a lot. Wondering if there is anything that can be done to this

UPDATE on the refugee message: I just got that message and the game kept freezing for a few seconds then unfroze for a frame or 2 then freezed again and so on. So this message is still causing issues
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hairless-Ape » Mon, 11. Mar 24, 12:46

The player log message fix will only fix new messages, not old ones that preexisted prior to the patch. There's no way in the game to modify existing messages in your log, so best to just Clear it.
I'll keep looking at the Refugee message area to see what might cause that FPS drop. I assume it popped up After you put the patch in, and still had FPS issues.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Mon, 11. Mar 24, 13:38

Hairless-Ape wrote:
Mon, 11. Mar 24, 12:46
I assume it popped up After you put the patch in, and still had FPS issues.
That is correct

Also, possible bug to report or maybe im mistaken. There should be a limit on how many jump stations you got right? 4 correct?

I selected the jump station perk on 2 of my outposts. I got the warning that i can only have 4 and if im sure about it. The limit doesnt seem to work. Or the indication of it. When i selected the perk on my second outpost it still said i had 0 jump stations out of 4.
In the ministry of war, the diplomacy tab it says Jump Stations 0 of 4.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hairless-Ape » Mon, 11. Mar 24, 20:57

Ugh.. un-typed languages for the loss..

Ok, Yes, it was not properly updating the actual number of jump stations that you own, so it will probably let you have as many as you want the way it sits. It's harmless to leave it that way for your game, but defeats the limitation.
However, I've fixed it and updated the latest patch.. Just RE-download it and Extract ONLY the scripts (/addon/scripts), and overwrite only those in your mayhem /addon/scripts folder. Don't copy the entire patch, or you'll overwrite your 9972 and 9973 settings, which I'm sure you've customized. You wont' need to start a new game for this fix. Sorry about that. I've done a lot of fixing and changes in a very short amount of time, and in this code-base, it's hard to get it 100% right off the bat without some other eyes on it.. Hopefully it's looking solid now though for you.

I'll continue to look at the FPS issue.. I've seen that for a long time now but it's one of those insidious things that hides under a rock when you look at the code. Everything 'looks' normal there, but clearly something evil is going on. I'm not very familiar that particular code but I will keep digging and that bug will die a horrible death one of these days.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Tue, 12. Mar 24, 06:23

Hairless-Ape wrote:
Mon, 11. Mar 24, 20:57
Ugh.. un-typed languages for the loss..

Ok, Yes, it was not properly updating the actual number of jump stations that you own, so it will probably let you have as many as you want the way it sits. It's harmless to leave it that way for your game, but defeats the limitation.
However, I've fixed it and updated the latest patch.. Just RE-download it and Extract ONLY the scripts (/addon/scripts), and overwrite only those in your mayhem /addon/scripts folder. Don't copy the entire patch, or you'll overwrite your 9972 and 9973 settings, which I'm sure you've customized. You wont' need to start a new game for this fix. Sorry about that. I've done a lot of fixing and changes in a very short amount of time, and in this code-base, it's hard to get it 100% right off the bat without some other eyes on it.. Hopefully it's looking solid now though for you.

I'll continue to look at the FPS issue.. I've seen that for a long time now but it's one of those insidious things that hides under a rock when you look at the code. Everything 'looks' normal there, but clearly something evil is going on. I'm not very familiar that particular code but I will keep digging and that bug will die a horrible death one of these days.
Awesome, ill apply the fix right away. Thank you.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by naisha » Tue, 12. Mar 24, 10:15

Hey, does the rep loss you get when claiming a sector bordering a Faction set you relations to -3000 or does it reduce it by -3000? (or whatever the number is, i think ive seen in the files it was -3000)

Also, is there a way to refresh a fleet's orders or force it somehow to resume its patrol duties? One of my fleet is set to patrol my sectors but it just stays docked at its homebase meanwhile there are pirates flying around my sectors ...
Edit: Nevermind, the fleet suddenly decided to undock ... after being docked not doing anything for the past hour.

A pair of suggestions:

1. I feel like there should be a command called "resume patrol" or something in the fleet settings. I have needed of such command several times in the past. Mostly because of fleets not doing their jobs.
2. There should be a "Set Homebase" command in the fleet settings in order to quickly set a homebase for a selected fleet. Going into the "Global Ship Set Homebase" page in the personal console is not ideal when you have a lot of ships and maybe some ships are called the same but are part of different fleets. There is no easy way to figure out what ships you want to change the homebase and tbh its a bit laggy with that window openned because of so many ships in that list

EDIT: One other question. I just build my first M1. My question is about fighter replenishments. Is there a way to automatically do it? I assume if i assign fighters to the fleet (the M1 is the fleet leader) they will just be members of the fleet and not dock to the M1 right?
Should i select the M1 to be their homebase and then add them to the fleet and set quotas to automatically rebuild its lost fighters? Wont that set the newly built fighter's homebase to the outpost that built them?
Last edited by naisha on Tue, 12. Mar 24, 13:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.6

Post by Hairless-Ape » Tue, 12. Mar 24, 13:46

naisha wrote:
Tue, 12. Mar 24, 10:15
Hey, does the rep loss you get when claiming a sector bordering a Faction set you relations to -3000 or does it reduce it by -3000? (or whatever the number is, i think ive seen in the files it was -3000)

Also, is there a way to refresh a fleet's orders or force it somehow to resume its patrol duties? One of my fleet is set to patrol my sectors but it just stays docked at its homebase meanwhile there are pirates flying around my sectors ...
Edit: Never mind, the fleet suddenly decided to undock ... after being docked not doing anything for the past hour.

A pair of suggestions:

1. I feel like there should be a command called "resume duties" or something in the fleet settings. I have needed of such command several times in the past. Mostly because of fleets not doing their jobs.
2. There should be a "Set Homebase" command in the fleet settings in order to quickly set a homebase for a selected fleet. Going into the "Global Ship Set Homebase" page in the personal console is not ideal when you have a lot of ships and maybe some ships are called the same but are part of different fleets. There is no easy way to figure out what ships you want to change the homebase and tbh its a bit laggy with that window openned because of so many ships in that list

EDIT: One other question. I just build my first M1. My question is about fighter replenishments. Is there a way to automatically do it? I assume if i assign fighters to the fleet (the M1 is the fleet leader) they will just be members of the fleet and not dock to the M1 right?
Should i select the M1 to be their homebase and then add them to the fleet and set quotas to automatically rebuild its lost fighters? Wont that set the newly built fighter's homebase to the outpost that built them?

Also, how do you equip the fleet repair module on a carrier (M1)? Or do they come equipped with them by default when built? (ive looked whats on that carrier and doesnt appear to have it)
  • Reputation loss should just reduce your reputation, not set it to -3000.
  • I'm unsure why you want to set a home-base for a fleet. What is the end goal here? Do you want each fleet member to have a home-base set for some reason, or perhaps you want the entire fleet to "go home" ?
  • Not sure about refreshing fleet orders. I generally set my patrol fleets to monitor all sectors of faction "Player" in the fleet settings and then tell the fleet leader to attack all enemies and it seems to always respond quickly. On rare occasions after a big brawl I may have to go to the fleet settings and tell the followers to regroup, but that is perhaps not necessary.
  • Near the bottom of the fleet settings is a "Build Followers" section where you can set a specific base, and ship type for replacements. This is currently NOT well suited for replacement Fighters for a fleet having a carrier though and this is on my todo list. If you set it for 5 replacement fighters and there's a carrier in your group, it will build 5 at a time until the carrier is full and then build 5 more so that there are 5 that are not-owned by the carrier (and thus 5 actual fleet members) and then it will stop. I will be working on having the auto-replacement feature in the fleet settings so it also counts carrier "owned/support" fighters when determining how many fighters to build, but for now it doesn't and you should just manually build a batch of fighters and direct them to that fleet so that it doesn't keep building more than you want. For any other scenario, other than fighter replacements for a carrier fleet, the auto-replacement feature of the fleet settings works well.
  • M1's come with Carrier Repair modules automatically. Just show-info on your carrier and scroll down to it's equipment and you should see it. If you use the cheat menu to make the carrier, I am not sure it will provide one, but if you build it yourself, it should.
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