Greetings from a 2nd generation X Player

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Greetings from a 2nd generation X Player

Post by vnorilo » Tue, 12. Mar 24, 19:56

Greetings everyone!

I've played some 2000+ hours of X games in the last 10+ years after discovering x3ap by accident. Since then a lot has happened to me - including family.

So when my 9yo son asked me if I have any space games, it was an "actually..." moment. I figured he'd fly my Rattlesnake for a bit and get bored.

Instead he now insists on spending all his screen time on X4, having managed to build fleets and factories and operating them pretty much by himself - no mean feat for someone who doesn't really understand English very well.

His assessment that it was "like Minecraft, but so much bigger" stuck with me. But what really prompted me to write this message is that he insists that we send Egosoft some feedback.

So here goes:
"Best game ever!" says my son, 9 years old.

I'm sure devs will also appreciate the fact that every 2-3 days he wants me to reassure him that I am going to buy Timelines when it comes out.

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Re: Greetings from a 2nd generation X Player

Post by Buzz2005 » Tue, 12. Mar 24, 21:00

I just have to say in todays time and age with kids having attention span of a tiktok video a 9 year old is sticking with, playing and loving x games is wonderful

great parenting 8)
Fixed ships getting spawned away from ship configuration menu at resupply ships from automatically getting deployables.

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Re: Greetings from a 2nd generation X Player

Post by Tomonor » Wed, 13. Mar 24, 11:13

Aww, I can already see the little rascal commanding an entire X empire shortly :D

Thank you, for this great post and feedback! It has already made our days better.

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Re: Greetings from a 2nd generation X Player

Post by Bernd » Wed, 13. Mar 24, 12:42

Thank you very much for the kind words and for bringing your son to our universe... we are honored!

As for these quotes:
vnorilo wrote:
Tue, 12. Mar 24, 19:56
"like Minecraft, but so much bigger"

"Best game ever!" says my son, 9 years old.
I am tempted to print them on advertisements :-)


-Bernd Lehahn,

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Re: Greetings from a 2nd generation X Player

Post by Tranxalive » Wed, 13. Mar 24, 13:52

Heh. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who discovered X this way. I was around 8 when my dad showed me X. He bought the X Superbox for me on Steam randomly, and suggested I try it out. For whatever reason, X2 was the game that stuck, I think when I played it X3: AP was pretty new. I'd play X2 when I'd get back from school, though "play" is a generous term. I wasn't very good at it, not until much later, when I was about 12, when I played X:BtF, and then played through all the games in order, playing properly this time, and well... somehow I ended up working for the company that made them. I'm very lucky and grateful that I ended up where I am.

Your son is definitely doing a lot better at playing the game than I was. :D And I hope he'll continue holding on to the Ultimate Dream; the dream of reaching the stars.

If I ever have children, I'll introduce them to X, too, that way the dream can go on. :)

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Re: Greetings from a 2nd generation X Player

Post by mr.WHO » Thu, 14. Mar 24, 11:23

Wait till you play X6 with your grandson :D, 20 years from now.

ooops, with some math, I think X7 and 30 years from now would be more approrierate :D

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