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Menu Data

- All categories (66/0)
- Official Sites (5/0)
- Press X³: Terran Conflict (10/0)
- Press X³: Reunion (9/0)
- Press X² (14/0)
- Press X (5/0)
- Clan-Sites (3/0)
- Fansites (18/0)
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- Off topic (1/0)
- X - External Resources (0/0)
- X² - External Resources (0/0)
- X³: Reunion - External Resources (0/0)
- X³: Terran Conflict - External Resources (0/0)

- all languages
- English
- Deutsch
- French

Official Sites

100%OnlineUniverse.net The official website for the X massive multiplayer game Online-Universe or short X2OL.net. 
Official X forum The new forum about X² in English and German. Lot's of fun discussion and a wealth of information regarding the X games from X-BTF to X²-The Threat. 
XNews fan newsletter Collection of released issues of the XNEWS fan newsletter. To subscribe and receive this in email form just sign up to the community page or forum. 
X-TENSION and X-GOLD infos Official information collection about the XBTF upgrade X-TENSION that was later sold as XGOLD together with XBTF. 
EGOSOFT shop Buy EGOSOFT products and merchandise for the X series of games 
The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the author of the linked web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein. The author does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations.

Die auf den gelinkten Seiten wiedergegebenen Meinungsäußerungen und/oder Behauptungen liegen in der alleinigen Verantwortung des/der Autors/Autorin und spiegeln nicht unsere Meinung wider. Insoweit übernehmen wir auch keine Haftung für die Inhalte oder Gestaltung der verlinkten Seiten. Für den Inhalt fremder Homepages sind die Betreiber der entsprechenden Seiten verantwortlich.

Written By GdVzSdRf aka Martin Ehrlich