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Xenon_Slayer's Script page UPDATE [26/2/06]

Posted: Tue, 21. Jun 05, 16:55
by Xenon_Slayer
Sorry guys. These links are inactive now. X_S

Sorry Red Spot, Im borrowing your idea.
This will he the collecting point of my scripts so I dont need to bump up individual threads to say they have been updated.

Fly Through Gate Command
An essential command for anyone who wants to use remote ships to explore. Just select the gate and the ship will fly through it. It doesn't matter if the player does not know what is on the other side.

All in one package
Thanks to Merroc for that.

Fill bay and Return Home
Sent a ship to sit at a factory collecting the ware. Better that continuous to and fro runs.

TOOL - Station Price Finder [23/6/05]
Find the price of stations within shipyards.

Station Stockpiler [4/7/05]
Turn ships into valueable storage space by storing Products and Resources. Storing products is a great way to give the factory room to keep producing.

TOOL -Wares Per Cycle [21/6/05]
Do you want to tell a script how many products are made per cycle or how many resources are needed... cant find the commands? They dont exist yet but this should help. It is a script full of the data you need.

ShipName Randomizer [21/6/05]
Co-author: CyberMe
Fed up of Argon Titan 1, Argon Titan 2, Argon Titan Red Light OOS Patrol, e.t.c.
Want a name with more bite? This should help.

Manoeuvring Thruster Restrictor [21/6/05]
Do you want a quick, cheap boost without a cargo full of energy. Why not take power from the Manoeuvring system and shunt power into the main engines. Sure, you cant dodge as well, but you can go a bit faster.

Pirate Satalite Network with the Pirate Scanner [21/6/05]
The Pirates start a new campain to cover the universe in satalites, Why. Could it be linked to their new attacks on fully laden cargoships? Could they let you into their secret, after all you used to be a Pirate.
Could you learn not to attack loads of new Pirate objects? Could you use them against fellow traders and turn back down the path of greed?

Re: OML's Script page

Posted: Tue, 21. Jun 05, 20:02
by Red Spot
OML wrote:Sorry Red Spot, Im borrowing your idea.

well at least one off my ideas is being used .. :roll: :D


Posted: Wed, 22. Jun 05, 00:09
by Commander Jamieson
And you can also find them on the Commander's Space Station under Downloads/X2 Editor Scripts under "OML Scripts" :D



Posted: Wed, 22. Jun 05, 00:58
by Xenon_Slayer
Thanks Commander Jamieson, didnt know if they were added.

Anyone tried many of the scripts yet?

Posted: Thu, 23. Jun 05, 17:19
by Xenon_Slayer

Station Price Finder now available.

Posted: Thu, 23. Jun 05, 17:30
by Merroc
Just a little from the host...:
If you dont want to download them one by one, here's a little all-in-one package ;)

Posted: Thu, 23. Jun 05, 23:08
by Xenon_Slayer
Fill Bay and Return Home added

Station Price finder updated.

Posted: Sat, 2. Jul 05, 13:15
by Xenon_Slayer
SSP and the products/resources per cycle updated!

Posted: Sat, 25. Feb 06, 14:52
by Xenon_Slayer
Links fixed :D

Also added the X3 section.

Posted: Tue, 16. May 06, 03:28
by Cody1234
Hey are those X2 scripts compatible with X3?

Posted: Wed, 14. Jun 06, 17:10
by Xenon_Slayer
I am not entirely sure. I will try and take a look one day. The main problem I can think of is with the "Station Stockpiler" and the "Fill Bay and Return home" scripts.
In X3 ships can be kicked out of stations. These scripts require them to be docked, they have no logic to redock after being kicked out unless the game does it for them...

Posted: Thu, 15. Jun 06, 00:32
by Cody1234
Thanks for the update. I wanted to know if the ship name randomizer is compatible with X3

Posted: Thu, 15. Jun 06, 12:17
by Xenon_Slayer
I have looked and I think I need to update the scripts so they dont clash with other X3 scripts. I think the ship name randomizer will work if you are not using Commodity Logistics Software MK2 by Lucike in X3.

Posted: Wed, 21. Jun 06, 20:34
by steveo1259
ive tryed the engine booster script and nothing happens. in my logbook it just said unexepected error.


Posted: Thu, 22. Jun 06, 02:31
by Xenon_Slayer
If I remember, that should only happen if you change the number of rudder optimisations during the boost. I seriously have to take looks at these scripts again, possibly redo them for X3 too. If there realy is a problem I will try and fix it.