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X4: Foundations
X Rebirth VR
X Rebirth
X³: Farnham's Legacy
X³: Albion Prelude
Player Rankings
X³: Terran Conflict
X³: Reunion
X²: The Threat
X: BtF

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Bridging the gap between the old and the new universe: X³: Albion Prelude

A Bridge Between the Old and New X Universe
X³: Albion Prelude plays in a time between the old and the new X Universe. It shows a universe in flux, and prepares players for things to come. The old X Universe is passing; a new X Universe is about to be created.

The X universe is undergoing a period of massive change. What started as a conflict of interest between the Earth and the races of the X Universe has now escalated into a full scale war. Play a part in a war scenario bigger than anything the X Universe has ever seen before!

Corporations Compete for Control of the Future
With the war as a backdrop, corporations are vying for power and are driving the X Universe in a new direction. A technological breakthrough will soon allow massive accelerators, forming highways in space and allowing the economy to expand on an unprecedented scale. Highways, a key feature of X Rebirth, are not yet ready, but you can see them being built and participate in the power struggles around the construction of much larger self sustaining economies.

Feature overview
  • A new plot throws you into the power struggle between corporations at a time of war.
  • More than 30 new ships and stations
  • New Stock Exchange feature allows advanced investment strategies
  • Improved graphics quality setting for high end machines
  • Improved UI introducing charts to visualize economic developments
  • Support for head tracking

  • Note: X³: Albion Prelude will not be compatible with Save Games from X³: Terran Conflict.

    Available on Steam
    X³: Albion Prelude will be available December 15th on Steam for direct download in English, German, and French languages (voice) and Italian (text only).
    If you buy the X: Superbox, or already own it, X³: Albion Prelude will be available as a free download via Steam.

    Available for Mac
    A standalone version of X³: Albion Prelude will be available from the MAC Appstore and Deliver2Mac soon.


    24.Dec.24 Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year
    Dear X-fans, we would like to wish you a Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year!...

    03.Dec.24 X4: Foundations 7.50 Flight Model Update - Public Beta Starts Now!
    We're excited to announce the start of the Public Beta for the upcoming 7.50 Update for X4: Foundations, also known as the "Flight Model Update"! This major update introduces a substantial overhaul of the game's flight model, bringing smoother and more realistic ship controls to the X4 universe. Check out the full changelog at the end of this news post and join our Public Beta today to support us in preparing for the update's release in the first quarter of 2025....

    27.Nov.24 What’s Next for X4? An Early Look into 2025
    The 25th anniversary year for the X series is rapidly approaching its end, and it’s been a few months since 7.10, our last major update for X4: Foundations, launched in August. Those familiar with our development journey will already know that this apparently quiet period actually means that behind the scenes we’re working hard on future developments. At such times we’ve always tended to be a bit more cautious in our public communication, to avoid setting expectations that may turn out to be unrealistic. Our highly iterative development process, and the shifting plans that lie behind it, often mean that we can’t predict exactly what will happen and when....

    02.Sep.24 Celebrating 25 Years of X!
    On a fateful day, test pilot Kyle Brennan made a jump from earth into the X Universe with the iconic Xperimental Shuttle. This set in motion the events in X: Beyond the Frontier, which was released in 1999, and started the X series of games....

    19.Aug.24 Important Update for X4: Foundations Players Regarding GOG Cloud Saves
    We would like to bring to your attention an important update from GOG that will affect Cloud Save functionality for X4: Foundations. Starting August 31st, 2024, GOG is implementing new storage limits for Cloud Saves. This restriction limits the available space for Cloud saves to 200MB per game, i.e. 200MB for all saves for that game combined. This change could result in the deletion of your save files stored on GOG's Cloud if they exceed this limit....

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