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X4: Foundations
X Rebirth VR
X Rebirth
X³: Albion Prelude
X³: Terran Conflict
X³: Reunion
X²: La Minaccia
X: BtF

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This is the story of the ultimate dream, mans dream, a dream of escaping from the confines of his own planet. A dream of freedom within his own universe, a dream of reaching the stars.


X-Gold is two games in one, not only does it contain X: Beyond the Frontier, it also contains the expansion pack X-Tension.

ScreenshotsX: Beyond the Frontier tells the story of mankind's rise and fall in the universe, and the attempt by Kyle Brennan to help repopulate the stars using a new ship called the Experimental Shuttle, and how he became trapped in a closed group of sectors linked by a series of jumpgates.
X-Tension is the eagerly awaited expansion pack to X: Beyond the Frontier. The expansion is not limited by a linear plot line but makes use of new ways to expand your empire. You can now take part in missions that are offered to you throughout the game. You are no longer limited to one ship, but can now buy and pilot all fighters and small transports in the game.

Explore the universe, trade in over 90 sectors, with over 50 goods, upgrade your ship with dozens of wares available to you by 5 unique alien races and protect yourself from the hostile Xenon.


02.Jul.24 Beta Pubblica 7.10 ora disponibile
Quando una beta finisce, un'altra comincia: eccoci di nuovo qui! Dopo l'ottima accoglienza dell'aggiornamento gratuito 7.00 per X4: Foundations, ci stiamo già tuffando nei preparativi per il prossimo aggiornamento. Attendiamo il vostro supporto nella Beta Pubblica 7.10, ora disponibile....

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20.Jun.24 L'Aggiornamento 7.00 di X4: Foundations e X4: Timelines sono ora disponibili
Egosoft è lieta di celebrare il rilascio dell'attesissimo aggiornamento 7.00 per X4: Foundations, assieme alla nuovissima espansione X4: Timelines. Questi aggiornamenti apportano una grande quantità di nuovi contenuti e miglioramenti all'acclamato gioco di simulazione spaziale sandbox, offrendo sia ai giocatori veterani che ai nuovi arrivati un'esperienza di gioco arricchita....

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14.Jun.24 Disponibile da oggi la colonna sonora ufficiale di X4: Timelines
Imbarcatevi in uno straordinario viaggio uditivo con la colonna sonora di X4: Timelines, una squisita raccolta di musiche, creata dal rinomato compositore della serie di X Alexei Zakharov. Questa colonna sonora accompagna l'espansione 2024, X4: Timelines, parte del celebre universo X4 di Egosoft....

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13.Jun.24 7.00 RC1 now available
This is it! Only 7 days to go before 7.00 and X4: Timelines are released on June 20th, 2024. To take us into the final stretch, 7.00 RC1 ("Release Candidate") is now available to download....

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11.Jun.24 Exciting Events Ahead: Reddit AMA, Live Stream, Soundtrack Preview & More!
We are excited to share some important dates leading up to the release of our new expansion, X4: Timelines, and our major, free X4: Foundations 7.00 update. Here are the details:...

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